UPDATE: We also have the route map. More details can be found here.
One of our favorite events every few years is MINI Takes the States. For those of you that aren’t familiar with it, imagine driving coast-to-coast in the United States. Got it? Now, add in about 6,000 of your MINI friends, family, soon to be friends (or family) and crazies! Yea, that is MTTS.
MTTS 2012 was epic and we can’t wait for the next one. We are sure you can’t either. We expect some kind of big announcement later in the week, but we do know that part of that announcement for MTTS 2014 is going to be the date. We are being told that it will run from **July 26th, 2014 thru August 9th**, 2014. Details of the drive haven’t been shared, but we know it won’t be a giant ‘M’. We think it’s going to be another coast-to-coast rally.
Mark those calendars gang and start requesting time off. This is an event you do not want to miss! And stay tuned!
Pretty much sums up my day at MINI takes the states at the Rose Bowl last year!
Glad we are closer to the big reveal! The rumor as of MTTS2012 was Seattle to Miami in 2014
I’m glad this doesn’t conflict with Mini Meet: East Meets West, which is being hosted in Milwaukee next year from 2-6 July. That said, it looks like MINI5280 and MITM 2014 are either going to get screwed or be forced to adjust their normal schedule. By most accounts, their attempt to work with MINI USA and co-exist with MTTS in 2010 did not work out very well.