MINI United Interview: Dr. Kay Segler

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In this latest MINI United interview we get an exclusive sit down with Dr. Kay Segler, MINI brand vice president. We talk MINI United. Motorsport, and the new MINI Challenge race car among other things. The latter will be the big take-away for many of you. Listen closely as Dr. Segler talks about the “new heart” of the MINI that will debut with the MINI Challenge car and that will eventually make it’s way to a new JCW product. All fascinating stuff for those of us who follow the brand.

Dr. Kay Interview:

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5 thoughts on “MINI United Interview: Dr. Kay Segler”

  1. That was quite interesting. Dr. Segler has a very warm tone when he speaks yet there is still a hint of authority there. He didn’t waste anytime turning the Clubman comment into a Challenge car “announcement”. Very quick to turn the interview to his agenda as well. It surprised me to hear Dr. S. say “to sell cars, it would be quite easy to sell more… but that’s not the purpose” after all it is a business and they do have shareholders. I guess that speaks to the success of the brand as many of us owners do believe that statement.

    Just a thought guys for future interviews of this type. Perhaps you could do a bit of a analysis or summary of the interview and tag it on the end. Something like your overall impression and feel of the interview and the topics discussed. The abrupt ending just seemed hard.

    Maybe even a photo of the participants (or at least the guest… LOL) in the banner.

    Good work gang!

  2. >Maybe even a photo of the participants (or at least the guest… LOL) in the banner.

    Done! Thanks for the feedback!

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