We’ve been leading up to this for the last few weeks. Finally it’s time to fill you in on what’s going on.
MINI has selected White Roof Radio to be the Official Podcast of MINI United 2007! We have been invited to Amsterdam to cover the event live, as it happens!
Todd and I will be traveling to Amsterdam, Netherlands in late June and spend the entire weekend at the event. Of course, Gabe will be there as well, but starting from Germany for some time on the ‘ring and traveling with a local club to the event. You can expect updates to happen multiple times per day and almost live, much the same way we covered MTTS. Of course, all of those posts will be showing up here, Motoringfile and the MINI United blog, where Gabe and I will also be posting during and before the event.
Something new for Whiteroofradio and Motoringfile will be the possible edition of video. Gabe has a hot new camera that he will be testing at this years Dragon and he will also be bringing it along to MINI United.
This is something that has been in the planning stages since AMVIV and we have had to sit on it until now. To say we are excited is a bit of an understatement! I was very proud to hear that MINI enjoyed our MTTS coverage so much that they wanted the same thing for MINI United! I would also like to thank MINI for giving us the opportunity to show the rest of the world what the power of Podcasting is capable of!
It’s going to be a great event gang! We encourage everyone to go over to the MINI United 2007 site and sign up. If you are in the States, be sure to check out MINIUSA.com for information and some special events if you would like to go.
Check back later this morning for our first interview with Shawn Ticehurst from MINI about the event!
Whiteroofradio Special Announcement:
Power To The Pod People!!
Well done, guys. I can’t wait to hear these shows. I know MINI USA is offering MINI United packages, but it doesn’t seem as if MINI Canada is doing the same, so I guess there won’t be a Cdn. contingent.
(Hmmm – maybe I should call the MINI DNA party person from Munich?? Maybe she can hook me up).
Have a MINIamazing time! Great work.
have a great time in amsterdam!!!!
What? No Gabe? No way!
I look forward to meeting you guys!
What? Gabe’s not going? I think you missed this.
>Gabe will be there, but starting from Germany for some time on the ‘ring and traveling with a local club to the event.
It’s up there. Honest! You really think we’d go without Gabe? C’mon now.
I’ll be there. You can read all about it here.
now that i’ve actually listened to the audio, i retract my last comment.
What a great perk for you guys – payback for years of creating mini enthusiasm. Brilliant marketing on mini’s part as well.
I knew that was it! I put up my guess on MF over the weekend- I should have put some money on it!
You’ll have to throw something up after a few visits to the “coffee shop”! Congrats guys!
Go Todd! Enjoy Europe man!
“You think we all live in castles – and we DO all live in castles. We’ve got a castle each. We’re up to HERE with ____ing castles. We just LONG for a bungalow.”
Congratulations guys!
Sometimes hard work and dedication pays off.
MINI picked the right 3 guys for this coverage….
Congrats …
But what I’m puzzled about is why you, DB (I think), said that this was great news for the podcasting world?
>But what I’m puzzled about is why you, DB (I think), said that this was great news for the podcasting world?
That’s a great question Ian!
Podcasting, to this point, has lived in the realm of the enthusiast and early adopter, much like blogging when it first started. People know about it or have heard about it, but since it’s on ‘the computer’ they get confused or think it’s a thing for geeks and all that, or, worse, think they need an iPod to listen.
With MINI embracing podcasting for a such a large event, it does a few things. First, it will introduce podcasting to a very large audience. Sure, a lot of MINI owners know about it now, but there are a lot of MINI owners out there that don’t. Once people see (or hear) what a podcast is and decide they like it, they will listen, and even better, possibly search out more podcasts.
This will also help in validating podcasting as a ‘real’ media outlet. Much like blogging now has some credibility, podcasting will surely garner that same level respect, sooner than later.
Then, what it really comes down to for a lot of podcasters (not necessarily us), there is the money. Advertisers will finally realize what we have known for quite some time. Podcasting offers the most targeted market you can possibly find. Once the money gets here, quality improves, content improves and more listeners find their way.
We aren’t all about the money. We are, however, all about sharing information to benefit others. And, if we can get more ‘others’ to listen, that is that much more information we can share!
Thanks, DB 🙂
I’ll be fascinated to see what effect this has on your downloads, in the next week and more important in June …
Congratulations guys. 🙂 This is great news for Whiteroofradio and Motoringfile.
it’s amazing to see what you guys started with almost 2 years ago and where you are now…truly cool and i’m happy for all of you! And jealous, but mostly happy 🙂
**[We are looking to hook up with other South Africans attending](http://mini2.co.za/blogs/mininews/archive/2007/04/26/MINI-United-_2D00_-22-June-2007-to-24-June-2007.aspx)**