White Roof Radio Christmas Music Spectacular

Less than a week to go before Christmas! We certainly hope you are ready for the holiday and have great plans to spend it with your friends and family. To help celebrate, I would like to share some of the Christmas songs that are helping me get into the spirit this year.

We are taking some time off, so you won’t have a new episode of White Roof Radio next week. We will be back for New Years and then WRR and Motoringfile are off to the Detoit Auto Show!

Thanks for coming back, sharing us with your friends and for listening. Like I say here, we have the greatest fans on the planet!

Merry Christmas everyone.

White Roof Radio Christmas Spectacular:

Download | Download no Intro | WRR @ iTunes | 35.7MB | 38:54

4 thoughts on “White Roof Radio Christmas Music Spectacular”

  1. Every year I try an assemble some Christmas music for my car and this is great! Thanks so much and a very Merry Christmas to you at WWR. ..and happy motoring in 2011.

  2. I just wanted to send everyone at WRR a thank you for yet another great year of review, laughter and commentary. Merry Christmas and take care.

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