Woofcast #113

News of the week from Motoringfile.com – Running time 42:10

News of the week, on the wrong day.

We spent quite a bit of time discussing all of the videos and commercials that have been popping up lately. On that note, would you like to see a contest, probably sponsored by Motoringfile, that asks you, the WRR listener and MF reader, to create MINI related content? Let us know in the show notes.

Don’t forget, if you are looking for something that any of the WRR sponsors sell, it would be greatly appreciated if you could follow the links on the right so they know you are coming from us. Or, better still, if you make a purchase, email them and let ’em know Whiteroofradio sent you!

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7 thoughts on “Woofcast #113”

  1. Cool idea about the commercial. There was a recent thread on NAM asking people their commercial ideas. I have mine ready to post on MF. It would be cool to win that one Sumitomo tire. lol

  2. With regard to pedestrian safety and Gabe’s near miss, here’s a little diddy my 5 year old has been repeating over and over for the last two weeks.

    -Green means Go
    Red means Stop
    Yellow means wait
    Even if your late!_

  3. A guy standing by the side of the road, looking depressed. A car whizzes by, too fast to see. our hero is unfazed. Clothes, hair flies up. Then we see it again, this time a little ways off. Doing circles, driving erratically, joyfully.

    Then our hero speaks, monotonously.
    “When I offered my friend a drive,

    I didn’t think that he would be so excited that he would forget me and leave me behind.

    I wonder if he will notice that I’m not there?

    Break to the mini logo

    “Always motor responsibly, remember your friends”

    Something kinda like this. I had it all worked out,but this is what I remember of it.

    I will take a slightly used JCW GP #0001 off your hands for this idea.

    db you rock

  4. Christmas List:

    1) More Motoring Badges
    2) aFe Intake for the MC
    3) New floor jack and jack stands
    4) New torque wrench
    5) Texas Speed Werks Jack Pucks
    6) M7 Strut Tower Reinforcement Plates
    7) More Motoring Badges

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