Early again…Wow! Aren’t you lucky 🙂 db got a new mic too!
The n00B show, part II
-db is the master of the mixed metaphor
-We talk about the new iPod. db goes a little crazy
-Corrections/additions from Woof16 concerning tires
-Podsafe music from music.podshow.com. It’s Alen Mecan performing Stylus
-A quick run through MINIUSA.com
-Todd doesn’t like the factory stripes.
-Gabe’s all about the bling
-Remember, restaurants have restrooms
-I checked…nowhere does it say ‘big-ass sunroof’.
-gotta have Combo #3
-db and Todd don’t get the clown nose
-Todd doesn’t really like the Checkmate package either
-Neither does db
-Who gets the cassette deck?
-it’s db@whiteroofradio.com
-PDC doesn’t play well with the sport link. Actually, it doesn’t work at all
-It takes longer than you think to configure a MINI
-db likes the steering wheel in the center?
-News? Motoringfile.com
-Don’t forget…Phil Wicks on Woof18!
-db does a little pimpin’. Don’t forget to vote for us!
We are looking for someone to fill in if db, Todd or Gabe isn’t available. Send in a short audio clip to feedback@whiteroofradio.com.
Also, for those of you that want to be notified whenever a new episode gets posted, feel free to use the handy dandy email form on right. Remember, it’s free!
Todd did the hard part Download || Download Zip || 54:51 || 25.1 MB
Come on everyone! You love the show, so go vote at http://www.podcastalley.com. I just checked and there were only two votes so far and Whiteroofradio is at 739. We need to move db, Todd and Gabe up.
Gabe’s not all about the bling 🙂
my web spokes are still clicking and I’m on my second set. I hope I can just swap them out for a different style wheel just so I don’t have to hear that blasted clicking. I was the one who started the Mini2 tread about this back in July and the issue is still not resolved. I love getting looks from others because of my car but not for this. Its embarrassing…
They do look sweet but sound terrible. MiniUSA is slow to react because its not a safety issue.
anyways, great show. as always. I’m a loyal listener. I put my vote above but its still at 739.
happy motoring!
5 votes total.
New rank 401
Keep up the good work guys!
One thing I think is cool to put in the money no object category is the rear view camera. Which of course you would have to order and have someone, or yourself put in.
hey, i found where it says “big ass sunroof” on the configurator. simply go to page 6 of the configurator, its righ there on the bottom…:D
oh yeah, in case anyone is looking for a laugh, check out my weblog – http://www.rednwhitecooperonline.com !
^——that was a plug, BTW
I was surprised to hear that the garage door opener is “iffy”. Mine is great. It’s range is better than the handheld one that came with the door.
— Jay
Have to agree on all of them, the windsheild…$$$ thats one i did not get for sure. The Clown Nose, is what us BMW guys have been calling it since it came on a E38, (740il), Everyone in BMW world likes it because it flashes the alarm. I tried to get this for my MINI and then wire it in but no one in MINI has ever heard of this. They said no bmw rear view would work and that the nose for MINI is diffirent then ,like on a M3 , not the same size??
I have to look into this , when i get my alarm i want to wire it this way, Hate the light on the stalk…yuk
Number #1 hater.
I am also a chrome person, like to bling, I have full chrome everywhere.
How about the front and rear camera?? does it top the hater list?
What about the wind deflector?
Panty hose with a frame??
Gabe , DB, Socal guy???
Front and rear camera not a factory option. I don’t really see the point in a car so short. Why have them?
Wind deflector is just silly. What’s the point in getting the sunroof if you are going to deflect the air over the space and spoil the roof line?
Not sure on the size of the clown nose BMW vs. MINI. I have an ’03, so I still have the old fashioned lever to dim mine.
Panty hose with a frame? Since I have no idea what you are talking about, I’ll say I like it, as long s the hose are silk 😉
I have to tell you I stole “panty hose with a frame” from Ducttape on MINI2, He is the one who flipped his HO MCC on the hudson run…remember?
He rides with the top down, -0 degress.
What it looks like is sretched pantyhose wraped around a frame.
The “mister blinky” as the chaps call it also is too big to switch 🙁
I want to switch, ..its a BMW thing..ya know.
And last the camera is way overpriced and you have to order it. Funny how it is on the ETK.
I have to send you guys some questions.
Maybe stump ya.