Woofcast #183

10_large20070905.jpgNo Gabe tonight as he had a business trip, so it was just Todd and myself. Starting off talking about the iPhone price cuts and new iPods, then, into the show, and quite a bit of it for ya! Todd has owned 10 iPods (he thinks) since they have been released. Go ahead and tell us your iPod story below or call it in to the voicemail line at (206) 33-WHITE.

Rainman in full effect! Time to thank all of you for listening and checking us out. We are experiencing 1 download every minute of every hour of every day! FANTASTIC! Keep it up.

AMVIV update for those who didn’t find it on NAM. The reservation group code at Palace Station in Las Vegas is pcimviv. I was told that they have upgraded the tower rooms yet again, which I plan on checking out when I go for SEMA in October. I’ll have a full report then.

Does anyone need a front bumper for an R53? Todd has one, don’t ask why. Use the contact form, come up with a good reason and Todd will let it it go for the cost of shipping.

Plus, news of the week from Motoringfile.com.

If you are intested in getting your picture on The Street Tuner Challenge car that Fireball Tim and his boys are building, click over to stcmini.com to get all of the information. Time is running out with less than 3 weeks left!

Be sure to come back tomorrow. We have interviews with the guys from Alta MINI Performance PLUS Fireball Tim with full updates. Check back tomorrow for full details.

Woofcast #183:

Download | 19.1MB | 41:28 | Zipped | WRR @ iTunes

4 replies on “Woofcast #183”

  1. DB, Todd,

    I have a story that ties into both DB’s comment about DSC helping in high speed emergency manuevers and (sort of) the mysterious front bumper in Todd’s garage.

    I was cruizing down the highway in my month old MCS, doing about 60. In front of me was a tow truck pulling a honda. I was just thinking to myself, “Self, I should not be behind this tow truck”, when the entire front bumper fell off the honda and started bouncing it’s way towards me. Without hardly thinking I jerked the wheel to the left into the shoulder, avoiding the bumper as it when skittering past, and then back into the lane. I didn’t even touch the brake and the car felt exactly like it was on rails…amazing.

  2. I think that there is truth to the DSC half-off mode. If you press the switch quickly, the light will not come on, but the DSC interactions seem less intrusive. I have a few places on my way home that will always cause DSC to interact, but in the half-off mode the throttle reduction seems much less. It is hard to prove, but I am starting to believe it.

  3. My iPod story. I have an iPod Shuffle which I use for the gym. I’m listening to the beginning or each song to see where I want to start. For the life of me I can’t figure out how this opera music got on my iPod. Then I realize it’s none other than WRR with their tribute to Pavaroti.


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