Woofcast #186

Karting and JCW. Zips are up too! Running time 38:51

rel=”lightbox” title=”The General Lee Mini!”>
Woofcast #186. For reals this time, not like yesterday. That’s what not having consistent internet does to a guy. But right to it, we start with a little F1 talk (more info at autosport.com) and Gabe’s MINI rides too low. We think it’s because he is driving around Chicago like it’s the Streets of San Fransisco the Dukes.

We talk a bit about Karting before Todd lays down this weeks tip. R53 JCW owners, make sure you are getting your plugs changed (even if they killed the dinosaurs)! Take this service bulletin if your service department doesn’t believe you.

Finally, Gabe’s review of his JCW Engine Kit. Of course you already read the review, right?

Zips are up as well, if you need them. Follow the link below for 186, go back to the show notes for 185 to get that one. Sorry for the delay. Oh yea, you must check out the . It’s awesome!

Woofcast #183:

Download | 17.9MB | 38:51 | Zipped | WRR @ iTunes

8 thoughts on “Woofcast #186”

  1. Yeah I think that may be the issue. But that would be the most troubling. My wife’s iPhone runs 1.01 and works. Mine runs 1.02 and doesn’t. If true, is Apple aware of this? I doubt it. Even if they are, do they care? I doubt it. Does MINI care? Maybe but they have their own official iPhone software coming out with the ’08 model. Is it retrofittable? I have no idea.

    Could MINI fix the issue with a software update themselves? Maybe but I’m not holding my breath.

    Again this is all assuming it’s the software on my phone and not the car that has changed. My car did have it’s ECU flashed and updated software added in between it working and not working.

  2. I don’t know if apple knows or cares, but I’ll let you know if we have any info updates on what works and what doesn’t.

  3. Iridium is also a great jazz club in New York. AND…
    I’m dying for the new motoring badges. DB has been asking for a month. Where are they????

  4. Gentlemen,
    Podcast #186 was of interest to me in regards to the JCW plug change per a recent “Tech Bulletin”. You mentioned the link was located in the Show Notes. For the life of me, I can’t seem to find the show notes at WRR. HELP! Better yet-the link to the tech bulletin please.
    Thank You for your time,
    Bruce W. Wilson

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