Woofcast #209

459118_dv_l_f.jpgWe start with a bit of random exercise talk before jumping right into Todd singing, and our connection promptly dropped out!

Then a recap of the year that was 2007 at Motoringfile. All of the stories we discuss can be found at the top of Motoringfile, 1st column top under the heading Recent Featured Articles.

Live show this week. We are going to recap the year that was 2007 at WRR and think it will be fun if you join us! Check back Thursday the 20th at 7:00 PM PST/9CST/10EST to join in the fun.

And stick around after this show just a bit. Gabe kept going on and on and on about tires.

Woofcast 209:

Download | 15.2MB | 33:05 | No Zip yet. Soon | WRR @ iTunes

7 replies on “Woofcast #209”

  1. Is it me, or does DB sound like he’s waaaaaay off in the distance? When DB talked I had to turn up the volume, only to have Todd and Gabe blast through my HK speakers (and subwoofer thankyouverymuch). One hand on the wheel, the other, the volume.

    Good show kind sirs. And a Merry Christmas to all my MINI friends!

  2. That’s because db recorded. While the overall sound quality is 1K times better than normal when he records, his volume is still too low. He is aware of this and will make every effort to improve the next time he records.

    Sorry about that guys. It’s frustrating to me too and the reason why I don’t record that often. But, because I don’t record that often…

  3. No problem DB. Is this 3rd person Thursday? Nozz likes 3rd person Thursday. Nozz thinks it’s a great idea. Nozz wishes all WRR listeners a Merry Christmas.

  4. For you Nozz, it can be 3rd person Thursday!

    db wants to remind all WRR listeners about tonights live show. db says be here around 7pm pst (9/10 otherwise) and you’ll be able to catch the show live!

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