Todd, Chad from DetroitTuned and myself get together tonight to talk about the latest news from, the state of the auto industry and spark plugs. Again. And, with the new show format, you get a long show. Feedback? You know what to do.
Be sure to keep an eye on for cool stuff coming, like online ordering. And, if you are in the neighborhood cruise by and check out the new shop!
Do you use Twitter? I’m @dbwilldo, Todd is @toddsmods, Gabe is @gbridger and Michael is @radiationman. 206-202-3252 is the new voicemail line that you can use to ring us up too.
Woofcast 277:
Download | 31.6MB | 1:09:02 | WRR @ iTunes | WRR @ Facebook
Hey guys, I think it’s the Suzuki SX4 that calls itself “Mightier than the MINI.” :-/
Is there any copyright laws on the lightning bolt Suzuki has on their car, and the Hammer and Coop skit? Here is the link to the commercial I was able to find on Google video: