Woofcast #300


We start out with news from MotoringFile like we like to do, break into a few voicemails (Thanks Drill and Jonathan!) and finish with some great talk about the R60 and upcoming MINI Coupe with Gabe. All recorded live with over 150 listeners! We also spend time time talking about tires, Top Gear and MINIs in the Mountains.

This episode marks the 300th episode of The World Famous White Roof Radio! And, this coming Saturday, August 1st marks our fourth year! Besides the 300 episodes of White Roof Radio, we’ve put up over 200 other episodes recorded in England, Amsterdam, Las Vegas and all over the United States and Canada (thanks Robert!). Thanks to everyone for sticking with us for this long.

Cool stuff still to come at MotoringBadges.com is a new website and new designs, including some domed badges. Trust us, they are cool! Looking for more? You can follow White Roof Radio at Facebook and Twitter (@Whiteroofradio).

Thanks again for stopping by gang! Here’s to another 300!

Woofcast 300:

Download | 60:00 | 27.5mb | WRR @ iTunes

4 thoughts on “Woofcast #300”

  1. My late 2007 R56 has a small patch of felt behind the scoop, which is directly over the engine block, but not over the turbo, which sits right below the scoop. I’ve also seen a turbo wrap for sale somewhere.

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