3 thoughts on “Woofcast #343”

  1. Heh guys… I care how much my wheels weigh! (I just can’t afford the light ones, lol)

  2. Me too… though I care more about how much track wheels weigh than street wheels. This explains why I got Bridge Spokes on my MINI instead of S-Winders. The S-Winders are a little lighter and a lot uglier. I have X-lites for track wheels BTW. Cheap ($250 w/ new tires) AND [relatively] light.

  3. DB, O Lord of the Velvet Red, as a fellow Cooper owner care very much what the wheels weigh because we don’t have any power to spare!
    And I loved hearing you stand up for proper MINI terminology. The Coopers are the naturally aspirated MINIs. The Cooper S gets you stiffer suspension, forced induction, and–on the R56–the blasphemous Volkswagen wannabe grill.
    Finally from my boyhood model airplane and car days, I can advise you that “flat” paint means military “drab” finishes that do not reflect light, like “olive drab” or even primer. “Glossy” is what both metallic and non-metallic car paints are. Unless one is going for military chic, nobody buys cars with flat paint finishes. Motor on, brother.

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