News from, including a whole bunch more Coupe talk since we have the official release!
Finish up with a little Ask Chad and details of the upcoming White Roof Radio live happening at Detroit Tuned this coming October. More details to follow soon!
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Chad’s first show – WRR 301?
OK, that’s not right — he was on 264 and 265. But 301 is where Ask Chad started as a feature.
I think we had him on sometime in the double digits, but I did a search and couldn’t find anything. 301 was where askchad started tho. Good Job IowaM1N1!
Are you guys really sure about the, because some of us are going to come all the way from Europe. It’s going to be awesome!!!
I meant the date…october 22nd
That is the date FOR SURE. Not going to change due to several things, most of which because we are actually scheduled to record woofcast 400 that week.
Would be great if you can make it! Chad is working on a deal for rooms too and we expect to have that information VERY soon.
Thanks! Looking forward to get the additional info. I’ll let you known when it’s all booked up.
I would really appreciate a “buyers guide” show, I have been on the fence about buying a new R56 for a few months but the dealers near me seem to only stock cars with very few options. Anyway, thanks for the great podcast I really enjoy it!
Thanks Brenda! That is on our short list of shows to do again, and we will be doing one very very soon.
I know you guys not to say to email about the date of the Live Podcast concerning MINI’s in Ozarks but that date is also slated for MINI’s Slay the Sleeping Dragon.
Thanks! I did some checking and there are about half a dozen events going that weekend.