Woofcast #557: The Dog Show

We start with dogs, move on to more dogs (via MINIUSA) and end, oddly enough, on dogs. In between, we do get to the latest news from MotoringFile, the last episode of Top Gear and my current experience with the Automatic ODB reader and error codes.

I’ve recommended this in the past on Facebook, but the best podcast that you aren’t listening to is 99% Invisible. Check it out, if for no other reason that the last 2 episodes talked about automation in planes and cars. Really interesting stuff for the nerds out there.

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2 thoughts on “Woofcast #557: The Dog Show”

  1. Hey guys –

    Had a few thoughts while listening to the Dog Show.

    Todd – instead of BBs or pellets, take a look at airsoft for your deer problem. They’ll sting but not seriously injure the animal. Another alternative would be make paintballs. If you freeze them first, they’ll sting a bit more and make less mess. Good luck!

    The new Clubman will totally hold a bike – as will the first gen Clubman. MINI will happily sell you one:


    We won’t have to drill for oil on the moons of Saturn; in the new Cosmos series it’s speculated that there may be seas of liquid methane on Titan:



    As always, I enjoy the show – keep it up! Thanks!

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