We are back and with a short show for you guys this week. Todd, Chad and I spend tonight talking about camber, electric cars and gluten free all the things. Some things that might interest you are the new [Motoringfile](http://www.motoringfile.com/2015/08/23/welcome-to-the-new-motoringfile/), Gabe’s [Tesla review](http://www.motoringfile.com/2015/08/11/motoringfile-review-the-691hp-tesla-model-s-p85d/) and your [homework](http://www.roadandtrack.com/car-culture/a26337/go-lutz-yourself-driven-by-design/) for the next show and more! Don’t forget to check out the [Lap Motorsports](https://www.facebook.com/LAPMotorsports?fref=ts) crew too. They are racing MINIs and posting all the details over at Facebook. Finally, some high quality Ask Chad time. It’s really amazing how we can fit so much show in such a short amount of time.
Looking to cool off in September? Can I recommend the [CravenSpeed ModTober Fest](https://www.facebook.com/events/420359388147683/)? Todd and [Way](http://www.waymotorworks.com) will be there striping and modding MINIs. If you want Todd to put graphics on your car, [contact him **now**](http://www.motoringstripes.com/contact/) to get your time scheduled.