Full crew for our last show of 2016. Joined tonight by Mr. Bridger from MotoringFile and Brian Dallas from Ride Bikes Radio to talk new Countryman, in car tech, sales and a little bit about autonomous cars. Note to the affliates; we do go a bit long this week.

Did I say full crew? I meant full crew minus Chad from Detroit Tuned. He was excused in order to finalize the moving in the new DT shop! Don’t forget to stop by and check the place out (and snag a few photos for us while you are there!).

As mentioned above, I am giving everyone the rest of the year off! We hope you all have a safe and happy holiday, no matter which one you celebrate! Do keep an eye on the feed next week for a fine selection of holiday music that I hope you all enjoy.

See you in 2017!

xoxo ~db

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One reply on “Woofcast 612: The New Todd”

  1. This podcast was a bit of a conundrum for me with regard to the self-driving cars.

    I have always been of the mindset that one of the reasons that mass transit is not more popular in the US is due to our love affairs with our cars. As a future MINI owner (and you being current MINI owners), do we really want to give up the autonomy of driving an automobile that we have paid a premium for (when you consider size / gas mileage)?

    Does everyone doubt that once this capability comes about that it will eventually be legislated that if you have a car that has self-driving capabilities, that they be used all of the time? With higher precision capabilities will come an increase in lanes for the current road widths. As an example, given current road widths that support two lanes, with automated driving, could probably support 3 lanes.

    Would I love to get in my automobile (which will hopefully be more like an optimized compact motor home with TV, sleeper sofa) after work and wake up in Nashville the next morning well-rested to go visit my family? Sure.

    Obviously, we may not see this in our lifetimes, but I am not necessarily as “excited” about this eventuality as you all seem to be. When this transition is complete, the performance choices between cars will be obsolete (as they will probably be mandated for equality) and the price differences will be based on the exterior stylings and the luxurious aspects of the interior.

    I would be interested in your opinion(s) on this.

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