BIG show this week! Brian drove the Countryman, Chad has new DT designs(click through to vote for you favorite!), Todd is holding down the rebel base in Kansas and Alex was busy explaining how he gets all the female fan mail. All that, and of course, more, in this week’s episode!
Do you want to get in on the Black Roof Radio? One of the perks of being a patron is you get access to our pre-show banter that can range from Gabe clearing out cuss words to Alex talking about the latest Star Wars movie (and me begging him to not talk about it during the show). That is available to the Patrons of White Roof Radio. You too can be a patron by clicking over to
Speaking of Patron’s, our man Rick R shared this sweet photo of his 2013 Coupe, Mongo, there. Do you want us to feature your MINI? That’s also easy! Just ‘@’ whiteroofradio on Twitter or Instagram, upload it to our Facebook page or Patreon page and you have a chance. It’s not a competition, we are just looking for cool photos for the album art!
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