WRR Event Cast #4

After it’s nearly 3 year hiatus, the WRR Event Cast is back! Michael and I cover all of the events that are coming up.

If you have an event you would like us to cover, send it in! You can also call the WRR Hotline at (206) 202-3252 and leave a message. If you mention The World Famous White Roof Radio in your message, we will play it on the show.

Follow the jump for links and dates.

Event Cast #4

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MINI Meet East Meets West

Please join the Mini/MINI enthusiasts of Minnesota for a celebration of the 50th anniversary of the classic Mini and the 9th birthday of new MINI June 27th & 28th, 2009.

The theme for this year’s meet is “The Mini-sotan Job”; homage to both “Italian Job” movies and the 40th anniversary of the release of the 1969 film – a favorite of all Mini/MINI enthusiasts!

More info can be found at the site minimeet09.org.


Redwood Empire Mini Enthusiasts is pleased to announce the 2009 Wine Country British & European Car Show to be held at the legendary Fred Stoke Ranch in the heart of the Sonoma County Wine Country, just south of Windsor on Sunday, August 23, 2009.

More info can be found at redwoodempiremini.com


Denver, Colorado – In the cool Colorado mountains this summer, MINI Cooper enthusiasts from across the country will again gather at Copper Mountain Resort for the fourth annual MINIs In The Mountains event. Across the U.S., most MINI Cooper owners belong to local clubs which organize road trips, social activities, charitable fund raising, autocross and other events. Local Denver-area club MINI5280 with the help of North American Motoring, an online MINI Cooper community, are organizing the Colorado event, dubbed MINIs In The Mountains, or MITM4, on August 5th through 9th, 2009.

More information can be found at www.MINIsInTheMountains.com.

MINI United

Go to miniunited.com for dates. Details on what’s going on for US attendees to follow as soon as we have the information.

MINIs on the Dragon

Check out minisonthedragon.info for the full skinny. More info to follow.


Pretty sure we covered this already. But, just in case, get over to amviv.com and register.

Classic Minis

In the Smokey Mountains. More information can be found at http://www.classicminis.org/mini50.htm


This one is happening Saturday – February 14th, 2009. Full details can be found on the event flyer.

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