Or voicemail box.
db plays back some voicemails. Some trash talk for the MPG game (get the details here). You should go ahead and program the Whiteroofradio voicemail number into your cell phone now so when you are out during MTTS, you can play along! The number is (206) 33-WHITE (206-339-4483).
Otherwise, check back this coming Thursday, August 17th, for the beginning of our comprehensive coverage of MINI Takes the states!
db did the hard part
Download ||Zipped, you naughty monkey || 14:10 || 9.76MB
I didn’t hear my audio comment for the MPG challenge. I emailed it to the feedback address. Did it go into the bit-bucket DB?
When did you call it in? This was a bunch of voicemails that we received BEFORE Saturday
I emailed in a wav file to feedback@whiteroofradio.com. I didn’t receive a bounceback. I’ll make sure to call at my next fill-up. 🙂
I’ll do a double check when I get home tonight.
Mt. Evans was great (a little fog) see some of the pictures in Andy’s gallery at http://aaamini.smugmug.com/gallery/1779806/5/88712126 enjoy.
whoa…those pictures are amazing!
Just a little sun at midnight on the mountain.