Joined by Mr. Bridger from MotoringFile this week and we starting talking about the new Signature Line and pretty much go everywhere from there. After losing Gabe, we talk about the mess that is MINIUSA’s marketing vs. What The Dealers are doing. And I log into the Owners Lounge.
Are you a Patron yet? If not, you missed a Black Roof Radio exclusive from Chad. You will hear about it in about 2-3 weeks otherwise. Membership has it’s privledges.
And, a HUGE thank you to everyone that is checking out Ride Bikes Radio with Brian and I. We are having a great time making that show! It’s nice that you agree!
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My MINI dealer is just a car dealer to me. I don’t feel anything more for them. The service department was pretty blah in the past and I had gone elsewhere once it was out of warranty. I have a new MINI now so I’ll be going back for scheduled free maintenance but beyond that I have other sources, and Chads shop isn’t so far away so I will look him up if mods or bigger work arises out of warranty
Todd, I think it was this episode that you were expressing your sentiments regarding MINI’s direction and how they have lost their way. It was interesting to me that in last month’s Fast Company I read this quote in a branding article and specifically about being overrated:
“BMW is one that sounds out to me. When you compare them to other luxury cars like Audi or Tesla, BMW doesn’t really stand for anything. I admire what Tesla and Audi are doing because they care about the world we live in, the environment, and it just seems they know their audience in a what that’s more sophisticated.” – Chief Creative Officer