Woofcast 645: Todd was Wrong
That’s right, 13 years ago White Roof Radio started as just 2 guys talking about MINI Coopers. Many of you were there when we started, and we really appreciate you sticking with us! For this week, Todd talks cracked windscreen, I talk cracked fuel filter housing plus we were impressed with the turn out of #mtts2018. Looks like you all had a great time and we are bummed that we missed it!
Hoping to get with Gabe as soon as possible so he can tell us all about the new company; the JCW Countryman. Chad as well for the latest updates from Detroit Tuned. And I’m also bugging the crap out of Brian to get him back because I think some of you would like to hear from a newly minted Subaru owner.
Thanks for sticking around as we enter our 14th year of podcasting under the White Roof! Thank as well to our fine and good looking sponsors Outmotoring and CravenSpeed who have been with us almost from the beginning. Make sure to show them some love! And, of course, everything is made so much easier by those of you that are in the Black Roof Radio club. Thank you all for your continued support!
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