White Roof Radio 657 – The GP Has To Be Special

A shorter than normal show this week that is also oddly shaped. Trying to get something while the gettin’ was good. Todd and Gabe were available for about 45 minutes, so one short show it is! Quite a bit more GP talk, along with questioning the difference in power output for the GP models. Gabe is pro, Todd and I are con. What say you? If you are looking for the random JCW GP video I mentioned, you can find that over at YouTube.

Quick reminder gang; we know you really enjoy using Facebook. Here’s the thing; when you leave those awesome comments over there, it’s like talking in an empty room. Nobody sees those comments. Gabe doesn’t see them. Todd doesn’t see them. I don’t see them. MINI and MINIUSA don’t see them. If you want your voice to be heard, make sure you are leaving those comments at White Roof Radio or MotoringFile


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