Todd, Chad and I get together, yet again, to discuss time zone math, Halloween tips and, of course, MINIs! A note to the affiliates, we do run long this week. Make sure to listen to the full show, we are looking for feedback on a potential Las Vegas WRR meetup in 2020. Head into the Flick App (use the code whiteroofradio) to chime in.
Besides that, we talk about the new GP sans swirls graphics that you probably already saw photos of, difficulty getting manual transmissions and not being able to configure a Cooper Clubman which we covered a few shows back. Finally, click over to Jalopnik to read up on what we have talked about before; auto loan debt. Crazy stuff.
From the Department of Shout-outs, did you guys see that our pal from Philly, Susan, has made 200,000 miles on her MINI? Sure, big deal you say? What if I told you her’s is a CVT!! Holy cats! Congrats Susan!
And, from the sponsors, did you get the Keysmart Pro with Tile at Cravenspeed? It looks pretty rad to me, along with all of their other products that are super rad! And if you are looking for car care products (or anything else for that matter), Outmotoring always has your covered. Here is a whole page of awesome stuff to get your MINI winter ready.
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Hi Guys! Thank you for the shout out! MINI Zilla is a 2004. I ordered MZ and waited two months for delivery. The cost was about $27,000 and I paid off the loan within the first 9 months. Since this past Friday, I added 750 miles while driving in the mountains of PA. This included 2 miles up, and 2 miles down Red Rock Mountain, Elevation 2,449 ft! DB, I recently drove on back roads up to a class in Stroudberg…guess what road I stumbled onto? Remember when you were my special guest passenger and we drove down the “worst road in Pennsylvania”? I drove up it! OMG! MINI Zilla is the best! Thank you all, so much. XOXO
Also, I ordered Zilla with all of the extras that I wanted, thinking I’d keep him forever. I understand Blue Book value…BUT,…the thrill is NEVER gone. People often ask me if I like this car. One lady recently asked me how many MONTHS I’ve owned it. My thinking is that I’d rather pamper Zilla and thoroughly enjoy driving everywhere vs getting a new car and having a car payment, with the possibility of having bigger problems. I’m not a motorhead. I bought this car because I loved the look. I knew nothing about under the bonnet. Since about 30,000, I’ve been asked, over and over, when am I getting a new car and was told that my car was going to explode. Zilla is my daily driver. DAILY DRIVER. I do love this car, so much, for so many reasons. If people can but classic minis, antique cars, etc., why can’t I maintain Zilla? That is the way I think about all of this. I talk to my car, I know my car, and I love you guys! Please come back to Philly and do another live show!