Another crash video for you this week. It is pretty brutal. Looks like a Renault going end over end over end over end.
Since it’s not a MINI, I’m keeping it out of the feed. Cruise over to the download page to grab it or you can get it here
Video: Renault flipping end over end
Another crash video for you this week. It is pretty brutal. Looks like a Renault going end over end over end over end.
Since it’s not a MINI, I’m keeping it out of the feed. Cruise over to the download page to grab it or you can get it here
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Nice air. My favorite compendium of crashes is this one:
er, by “this one” I mean this one:
There are a couple of very lucky photographers there. How did the driver fair??
Man, that was serious! I love the fact that the guy in the end decided to protect himself by laying on the ground…
On a slightly different note, I came across this on google video: it’s a MINI putting a Ford Focus in it’s place (not hard to do):
I actually thought he was trying to get an optimal shot; he has a big zoom on his camera, no?
Well, id’s say that his ‘original’ idea was to get a perfect shot…it’s up for debate though- good point 😉