A delay

I’ll bet you are wondering where tonight’s episode is. Well, don’t worry, it’s coming. We had a few technical opportunities earlier in the day that we have worked out and should have Woof #3 posted in a few hours!

Thanks for your patience 🙂

Woofcast #2.5

Main Topic: Midweek Update

Midweek update… -What is coming up for Sunday -What is coming up for the future -Wine? In Missouri? -Todd has cool plans for Labor Day weekend -Did db really say peeps? -We geek out a bit on stats. -Spread the Word!

Keep an eye on the site too! I’m going to start posting some how-to’s on the best way to get the ‘casts using iTunes, Podnova and Odeo!

Todd did 1/2 the hardword, db did the other half

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Woofcast #2

Main Topic: News

Again with Gabe Bridger, we touch on quite a few things…

-This week on Motoringfile -This week on dbmini. Can we stop with the wax? -MSRP vs. Over charge -Buy local vs. Buy out of state -Good service = be nice -db debuts new sound effects -Selling a MINI -Warranty fixes…dealer vs. aftermarket -Good service = be nice -Gabe avoids the MINI Police once again -Todd really has good ideas. No, really. -Gabe got a $3 mic…sounds much better. -Next weeks topic is still a secret…listen back on Wednesday.

Comments? Questions? Leave them here or email us Woofcast 2: Download || Subscribe

Woofcast #1

Main Topic: The first Woofcast!

Show notes

UPDATE 7-31-2012

Most of the links below no longer work or might go nowhere. Instead of correcting it, I have decided to leave this post as it orignially appeared when it first went live in 2005.

A quick welcome to the new home of the db & Todd podcast.
–Todd has wicked bad allergies and he’s not doing his worst Darth Vader imitation so apologies for the mouth-breathing. Some of that might be db too. We’re working on it. –Listener feedback always welcome! feeback@whiteroofradio.com or, as always, leave a comment in the show notes. –Sunday’s topic will be dealer service, since we pre-empted it last Sunday. We will be taking listener emails and IM’s at the following addresses. Email: live@whiteroofradio.com IM: via AOL Instant Messenger or iChat to WhiteRoofRadio –Playlist submissions. Send in those motoring mixes to feedback@whiteroofradio.com! Todd and I will go through them and select 1 to post over there on the right for the entire week. Preferred method would be a link to an iTunes Music Store iMix, but a list of the track with artist will be ok too. –Drinking game. I’ll get that posted here in a few days.

Woofcast 1 Todd did the hard work Download || Subscribe


To the new WhiteRoofRadio.com!

Check back, the next episode will be posted 08/03/05.

Some of the edges are still rough, but we’ll be smooting those out over the next couple of days. If you come across something though, please feel free to leave a comment!

db & Todd cast #6

For your listening pleasure, I am proud to announce PodCast #6…

Notes:Show -Gabe isn’t talking through a toilet paper tube. -’06 pricing -How do get be a test driver for BMW? -Call them horseshoe wheels -Gabe thinks liquid yellow is too Ikea. -db is the only one that likes Solid Gold, kinda. -Black is back. -Dealers using Motoringfile –The PodCast drinking game -No Recaro seats, but add a schroth harness and it’s not needed, we think. -MF comments are entertaining -Todd needs to update his bookmarks -db doesn’t know what German money is called

Notes:Other -I mentioned this in the ‘cast, but the new domain, whiteroofradio.com will hopefully be going live with #7. I’ll post here again, but a keep an eye out this week for the next episode topic and possibly some cool listener interaction (or, intervention, depending on how it’s going). Also, I will be moving all of the podcasts and show notes to that site so I can resume my personal stuff and silly news.

-The quality is about as good as I could get it without clipping. We are still tweaking the technology to make this as good as possible, but sometimes the technology doesn’t want to co-operate. We do appreciate your patience as we get the details hammered out.

One more time, and extra special super duper thanks to Gabe Bridger for being our guest this week (and not sounding like Mickey Mouse on helium) 🙂

We will cover Dealer service in a future episode. Sorry for the change up.

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