Woofcast #329

Tons of show for you tonight! Todd, Chad and I are again joined by Michael from The Mail Buoy Podcast with a whole bunch of MINI stuff for you, and maybe a little bit of Toyota stuff.

AMVIV. Do I need to say more? And, if you want Chad to bring you anything from Detroit Tuned, you might want to hit him up this week.

Thanks to everyone that stopped by MINI of Ontario for their grand opening. It was great to see all of you. While I was there, I had them do some work on my MINI and talk about it tonight. Worth a listen.

Woofcast 329:

Download | WRR @ iTunes | 21.6MB |47:13

AMVIV7 Update

New update from Andrew ‘Agro’ Ross about AMVIV7, happening March 25th – 28th, 2010. In case you missed it, we actually talked to Agro during Woof 308 so you can go back and listen if you haven’t already.

Hi everyone. It’s been a while I know, but I finally have some AMVIV news for you.

We have signed a hotel contract! We’re moving away from Palace Station this year, to another property in the Station Casinos family. We’re going to Aliante Station which is a brand new, absolutely beautiful hotel casino. The hotel part is a bit smaller than Palace, and we will have the entire hotel blocked out for our attendees. Yes, if you see someone in the hotel elevator, they will be another AMVIV attendee.

Continue reading “AMVIV7 Update”

Poll: A MINI Vacation in Vegas

For those of you that aren’t subscribed to the AMVIV Mailing List, this is the latest update from Agro concerning feedback for the next AMVIV

It’s been a while since you heard from me, but it’s about the time that we start seriously planning AMVIV for next year. The Sin City MINI Club has a new President this year (welcome and congratulations to Mark Finn) and we are contemplating a few changes to mix things up a little and keep the event fresh for those of you who have been here several times.

I have put together a survey on SurveyMonkey.com. The results are aggregated and not identifiable as having come from a particular person or even location, so please feel free to be honest.

As you can imagine, response to the survey was huge. So huge in fact that it filled up the database of the first survey. Not to worry, you can still give your feedback. You don’t have to sign up, provide your email address or anything. Follow the links below to help out.

If your last name starts with the letters:

Like I said, it only takes a few minutes and your feedback will greatly assist the AMVIV Planning Committee in creating the next AMVIV! Making it better than it was. Better. Stonger. Faster.

The Story of Woofcast #291

Once upon a time, in a desert far far away, there was a MINI Cooper event called AMVIV. And it was good.

Todd and I were there. You saw the photos and the video, right? I mean, we were in Vegas for the whole weekend. Heck, we even did a live show. And that show is the missing Woofcast; number two hundred ninety one. Performed live in front of about 12 people.

A show that Todd and Sherwin both recorded. One via audio, one via video. Great.

Or, maybe not. Todd’s MacBook was unruly that day and produced a recording that sounded like it was filtered through steel wool and crushed brick. When checking the audio from Sherwins camera, it sounded like we woke up after a night of cigar smoking and gargled with coal and razor blades.

To make matters worse, we couldn’t get our schedules together last week to do a show.

I have looked at most of the video and there is some there that’s not horrible that I will be uploading to WhiteRoof.tv later in the week.

We will be recording a show this week for sure. It’s looking like Saturday and I’ll try to talk Todd into letting us do it live.

Don’t worry, you can still go over to Motoringfile and catch up on the news, or go through the Archives here. MINI United is coming up, now would be a good time to listen to episodes from ’07 you might have missed.

Woofcast #292

But what happened to Woofcast 291? Well, it’s a funny story, but we’ll get to that later.

This episode we cover news, as always, from Motoringfile.com, but not so much with Gabe’s new car pictured here. You can, however, read about it here (pt 1) and here (pt 2).

Plus a quick AMVIV wrap-up.

But what about Woof291? You see, we recorded it live from Vegas. But, if I’m honest, it’s listenable. Not to worry because we did capture it on video. You don’t care about the video, but the audio is awesome and I will be posting that this coming weekend.

Woofcast :

Download | 17.3 MB | 37:39 | WRR @ iTunes