MINIs on the Mack


Is your MINI Summer event schedule feeling light? Fancy a bit of a road trip? Want to fulfill your dream of finally making it into the Guiness Book of World Records? Then friends, read on!

MINI of Grand Rapids is organizing an event for Saturday, August 3rd, that will be (hopefully) bringing over 1,450 MINIs to the Mackinac Bridge to assemble the largest parade of MINIs ever! And guess what, they really want you to join them! Summer road trip to Michigan anyone? RSVP and all that on their Facebook page. Full details that we have so far are listed below. Continue reading “MINIs on the Mack”

MINI Racing at Laguna Seca

Looking for something MINI to do in September? Head to Northern California and watch some racing!

Shasta MINIs has setup something very special for the Grand-AM/Continental Championship races at Laguna Seca.

We have set up a Mini Cooper Corral for the Grand-AM/Continental Championship races at Laguna Seca Sept 7-8-9, 2012 in Monterey California. RSR Motorsports will be running their R53 Mini Coopers in the ST Class. This will be the only time they will be competing on the west coast, so please join us to root them on. All MINI/Minis are welcome whether you belong to a club or not. The Continental Tire Championship race will be at 2:30PM on Saturday, prime time to enjoy the weekend.

We are also told that Brad Davis and his son Robbie will both be competing in the MINI of Charleston MINIs in the Total Performance Showcase, possibly in that super hot B-Spec MINI we saw during MTTS!

Tickets can be purchased at Ticketmaster for this event. Your three day pass and includes admission, grand stand seating, souvenir program and prime parking in the Mini Corral,

Additional information can be found at the Shasta Minis event page on Facebook

MINI Golf with MINI of Ontario

title=”Lighthouse by dbwilldo, on Flickr”>Lighthouse

I keep telling you that MINI of Ontario is pretty cool, right? Here is yet another reason why.

They have a WC-50 MINI on the showroom floor right now! To help celebrate that car and possibly hold a silent auction, they invited a bunch of MINI owners out for a round of miniature golf! Held at the Scandia Amusement Center directly across the freeway, we started off shotgun style, playing 17 holes of volcanos, castles and swinging things. The 18th hole, of course, is reserved for that special hole that wins you a free game!

It was a great way to spend a brilliant Southern California morning. Once we finished, we motored back over to MINI of Ontario where they had a full food spread setup for us on the giant covered patio/service drive. The air hockey table was fired up and could be heard over the sound of vuvuzela’s from the World Cup match playing on the big screen LCD TV that hangs outside!

Once lunch started, it was my turn to be put to work by calling out winners for raffle prizes. Car care products and MINI swag were given away as well as some cool gift cards for the winners of the golf tournament! The only thing left was the silent auction for the WC-50.

About that; there were a few bidders on that MINI, but none of them showed. You know what that means, right? Yes boys and girls, MINI of Ontario still has a WC-50 for sale! If you are looking for the most unique and rare of all MINI Coopers, this is the car for you. Hand painted using a two step process, special leather interior and all of the John Cooper Works goodies you like (including the go fast engine parts) and individually numbered make this MINI very special. More so than Todd’s beloved GP if you can believe that! If you are one that just has this car in your driveway and your local dealer doesn’t have one, give them a call at (888) 743-4041 and talk to sales manager Dan. Hurry! It won’t last long!

Thanks again to MINI of Ontario for putting on such a great event! These guys do it right!

Special Event: MINI of Ontario


Want a WC-50? Maybe spend the early afternoon playing a round of mini golf with some fellow MINI enthusiasts first? Followed by a carne asada BBQ? What are you doing on June 26th?

I know what I will be doing! I’m going to be at MINI of Ontario to enjoy the festivities of their special event centered around the rarest MINI of them all; the WC 50. Besides the mini golf and BBQ, MINI of Ontario will be auctioning off one of the prized JCW WC 50 MINIs. There aren’t many of them to go around, even on the west coast, so this will be a good way to try to get one and benefit the Loma Linda Ronald McDonald House at the same time!

Here’s the skinny. If you want to get in on the silent auction, give Dan the Sales Manager a call at 888-743-4041 and he will get you prequalified. Once that is done, you will get the chance to bid on the car. Here is the cool part.

A portion of the proceeds above the MSRP of the WC 50 will be going directly to the Loma Linda Ronald McDonald House. I’m not sure what portion, but knowing MINI of Ontario, it will be sizable!

If you want to get in on the MINI golf, email Katey West ( to RSVP. Do that quick since there are only 50 spots. They are filling up fast!

MINI of Loveland Grand Opening

A big thanks to everyone that came out for this event on the 27th! I think the final count was close to 500 people there to celebrate the newest MINI dealer in Colorado, and what a great party! Live music, great food, great people and some cool looking MINIs. We are looking forward to getting back there in August for MTTS and MitM.

Special thanks to WRR listener and MINI Roadster fan extraordinare Jim Peterson for hanging out with us, lending a hand with the photos and making sure we go pizza before it was gone.

Woofcast 339 this week will be up by Monday says Todd (who is busy installing graphics in Colorado) and you will get to hear some great interviews with the owners of the new store and some great MINI owners too. Watch for it!

And, if you are in or near Northern Colorado or Southern Wyoming and looking for a place to get your MINI serviced, buy parts or swag or even a new MINI, definitely go and check out MINI of Loveland. Great building, great people and it’s very easy to find!

Party with White Roof Radio!

All y’all know Todd and I are going to be hanging out at MINI of Ontario for thier huge grand opening bash already, right? Food, fun, cool prizes and a chance to check out the newest MINI dealership in SoCal and meet the people behind the magic. You keep hearing me go on and on about this place, come on down and see for yourself just how awesome they are!

We also might have mentioned that we wanted to have a bit of a listener only party after the event. Let this serve as your official notice of said event!

Since Todd is flying all the way from KC (where, oddly enough, the weather will be better), we’re putting him in the swankest hotel in the IE; The Aloft. Everything that I’m seeing and reading says this place is all that and a bag of chips. How about you, me, Todd and as many MINI Owners as possible come down and see how they handle the crowd? We even have a small budget for this shindig for food and non-adult style beverages.

Here are the details:

The Aloft Hotel 10480 Fourth Street Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730

Let’s say 6:30/7:00PM-ish? In the hotel bar? If we outgrow this place, I’m sure we’ll be able to find someplace equally cool to hang out.

It’s going to a lot of fun and it’s also a great way to warm up for AMVIV happening in just a few short weeks!

More from MitM

Todd, being the rockstar that he is, had a bit of a contest yesterday at MINIs in the Mountains.

Jim Peterson’s trailer is parked next to our booth space and it doubles as a signal to passing planes (read – it reflects the sun like nobody’s business.) Anyway, I announced the first person to be photographed shirtless, tanning themselves in the reflections of said teardrop mini trailer would get a free Motoring Badge. Our man C.r. Fitch IV, big WRR fan, jumped to the challenge immediately.


Good times right there!

From what I can tell, looks like everyone is having a great time! If you are one of them, give the WRR voicemail line a ring to tell us all about it!