Another fantastic interview with the head of MINI design, Gert Hildebrand. You want to pay special attention to this one, especially when Gert starts talking colors.
MINI United Interview: Gert Hildebrand
Another fantastic interview with the head of MINI design, Gert Hildebrand. You want to pay special attention to this one, especially when Gert starts talking colors.
MINI United Interview: Gert Hildebrand
One of our very first guest under The White Roof was Randy Webb. He gave us some great information during this show that I think you r53 owners will really appreciate. Why the old episodes? We are taking a break.
Since most of you have already heard this by now…
We burned through a few buckets of cuss words making this one happen gang. We think you will be pleased with the results!
Huge thanks for our special guest Randy Webb for coming on with us tonight!
Todd did the hard part
During MINI United last summer, we got the change to interview some great people, including Gert Hildebrand, Lead Designer for MINI. Why the old episodes? We are taking a break.
There is still more audio coming gang! Todd will be working furiously during his travels home so we can get those posted right away! Be sure to check out the photos if you haven’t already over at the MINI United Flickr Group.
Gert interview:
Download | 16.8MB | 20:21
It’s a great conversation about a car we don’t yet get but everyone (it would appear) wants. Hopefully they will have it in LA for us to check out.
Watch later in the week for more from Chicago from Todd.
Bosch Interview:
Download | 3.56MB | 7:00 | WRR @ iTunes
Todd recently found this short bit of audio left from last year’s MINI United.
Recorded during dinner at ’15’, it’s Rauno talking about his experience during the 1967 Monte Carlo Rally, which he won, in a Mini Cooper S. If you are missed our original interview with Rauno during MINI United, you will find it here.
If you are going to be participating in MINI Takes the States, there is a chance you could ask him questions about this yourself as he will be attending the Miami and Boston Events, plus making a 5 day rally between the two events!
Keep an eye out here and at Motoringfile for more information about MTTS as it becomes available! We’ll have more information later this week.
1967 Monte Carlo Rally:
Download | 4.8MB | 10:23 | WRR @ iTunes
Immediately after touring Plant Oxford last June, Todd and I where wisked into a very large room where we got to interview the Quality and Engineering Director for MINI. We got to ask some great questions, and he answered all of them! Everyone at Plant Oxford was very generous with their time while we were there and if you ever get the chance to get over there for a tour it is highly recommended.
A short week this week as I mentioned during #188. Don’t worry, we are going to make it up to you in the form of a live show this Thursday! Full details to follow soon.
Woofcast #189:
Download | 9 MB | 19:37 | Zipped | WRR @ iTunes
Interviews with Alta MINI Performance and Fireball Tim. Running time 42:52
Or, what we shall call the Interview Show. Starting off with Adam and Jeff from Alta MINI Performance talking about events, their big ass trailer, cool stuff for the R53 and R56 plus their new building. If you are in the PDX area, keep an eye out as they are going to start offering full service towards the end of the year. More info at altaminiperformance.com. After you check out their gear, be sure to check out their blogs!
2nd for today is Fireball Tim, Brian and Hubie from Fireballed! as well as Chris Hall, the producer of the upcoming Street Tuner Challenge from Was Productions. Some (not) details about the car and plenty of information about the series, to be broadcast on Speed Channel starting October 17th. I can tell you that the car is going to totally blow you away!
Woofcast #184:
Download | 42:52 | 20.2MB | Zipped | WRR @ iTunes