WRR Interview: Fireball Tim

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Fireball Tim took time with us again this week to clue us in on what’s going on with Fireballed! Mainly, the upcoming season of Speed TV’s Street Tuner Challenge. It sounds like it’s going to be cool!

If you want to be a part of the build, you can sign up over at stcMINI.com. I know I will be! Gotta get a couple of Whiteroofradio decals on the car ya know?

To keep up with the build process, besure you are watching Fireball Tim’s blog where he will be posting details and photos as the build goes along. Of course, you can expect more audio from us at Whiteroofradio during the build process.

WRR Interview: Fireball Tim

Download | 19:49 | 9.1MB

MINI United Interview: Dr. Kay Segler

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In this latest MINI United interview we get an exclusive sit down with Dr. Kay Segler, MINI brand vice president. We talk MINI United. Motorsport, and the new MINI Challenge race car among other things. The latter will be the big take-away for many of you. Listen closely as Dr. Segler talks about the “new heart” of the MINI that will debut with the MINI Challenge car and that will eventually make it’s way to a new JCW product. All fascinating stuff for those of us who follow the brand.

Dr. Kay Interview:

Download | 9.4MB | 20:22

MINI United Interview: Gert Hildebrand

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Another great person that we got to speak with was Gert Hildebrand. He is the man in charge of making the MINI look as cool as it does!

There is still more audio coming gang! Todd will be working furiously during his travels home so we can get those posted right away! Be sure to check out the photos if you haven’t already over at the MINI United Flickr Group.

Gert interview:

Download | 16.8MB | 20:21

MINI United Interview #2

db and Todd talk to Shawn Ticehurst from MINI United. Running time 12:33

>MU Banner
Shawn Ticehurts took some time out with us again this morning for a more detailed update of the goings on at MINI United 2007. Only 3 more weeks gang!

He fills us in on what’s going on during the event including most of the live entertainment, the track schedule and beach activities! Plus, a few surprises. Of course he couldn’t let us know about those. They wouldn’t be much of surprise if he did.

MINI United is being held in Amsterdam, Netherlands at Zandvoort Raceway, June 22-24 2007. If you are in the US and are interested in going, click over to MINIUSA.com for details.

To stay up-to-date with all that is going on with MINI United 2007, be sure to check out the news page at MINIUnited.com. Also, there is the brand-spankin’ new MINI United blog that Gabe and I will be posting to. Ok, mostly Gabe, but I’ll spell check. You can check that out at blog.miniunited.com. There is also the Flickr group and of course we’ll be posting audio, video and reports here and at Motoringfile.

MINI United Interview #2:

Download | 12:33 | 6.6MB

White Roof Radio Interview: MINI United

db and Todd interview Shaun Ticehurst from MINI about MINI United 2007

>MU Banner
Shawn Ticehurst from MINI took some time with us today to get us started with our MINI United 2007 coverage.

He fills us in on the history of the event, why it started and what we can expect for this year. We tried to get him to spill the beans on what the “special” event will be, but no dice. I would imagine that you could guess what we think it might be.

MINI United is being held in Amsterdam, Netherlands at Zandvoort Raceway, June 22-24 2007. If you are in the US and are interested in going, click over to MINIUSA.com for details.

Be sure to stay tuned to Whiteroofradio and Motoringfile for more updates as the event gets closer, as well as almost live updates from the event once it’s underway! If you haven’t already, now would be a great time to subscribe to the feed from WRR (RSS or iTunes) or Motoringfile (RSS – Full posts) to get all the updates as soon as they become available.

MINI United Interview:

Download | Subscribe | WRR @ iTunes | 10:18 | 9.5MB

Woofcast #140

Todd and db talk to the guys at Alta MINI Performance. Running time 30:07

Todd and I get to spend some time talking to John and Jeff from Alta MINI Performance.

They will be at AMVIV in the parking lot next to the parking structure. Big truck and trailer with a lift built right in! You’ll be able to check out the new stuff they have for the R56 AND the R53. Yes, they are not going to forget about the R53 anytime soon. In fact, they are just release their v2.0 stuff for the R53.

We get the lowdown from them on how to increase performance on the R56, including what is going to be the new ‘pulley’ for the newest MINI. Some great information! Definitely worth the listen.

Woofcast #140:

Download | Subscribe | Zip | iTunes | 30:07 | 27.7MB

Owners thoughts on the R56

Todd interviews current MINI owners about the R56. Running time 14:37

toddmic.jpgTodd “Mr.-Man-On-The-Street” Pearson took his mic and recording gear to Baron MINI’s recent James-Bond-Themed R56 release party to get some input from MINI owners about the new MINI.

If you are going to AMVIV, watch for this sight, and possibly, the WRR/Motoringfile flagged microphone to show up!

Todd with MINI owners on the R56:

Download | 14:37 | 13.4MB