Woofcast #131

db and Todd interview Phil Wicks. Running time 36:03

If you got Woofcast #130 twice, I apologize for the inconvience. The feed has been fixed and the problem should be corrected. If you are using iTunes, you might have to un-subscribe and re-subscribe again.

Thanks for understanding!

Our 2nd interview with Phil Wicks.

For more information about the North American MINI Cooper Challenge, check out minidriving.com. If you are wanting to get track time during AMVIV, you would need to sign up there as well, but make it quick as spots are filling fast!

Woofcast #131:

Download | Subscribe | Zipped | iTunes | 36:03 | 16.6MB

Woofcast #127

Interview with Randy Webb. Running time 45:40

Or the “where the hell has Randy been show”.

WARNING…this episode wasn’t edited as much as others. There might be parts here that will make your fellow cube dwellers look over at you to see what you are looking at. No f bombs or anything, but when you start talking about the H2, things can get silly.

We turn Randy loose on the mic to fill us in on what he has been up to and squash some rumors. No, he hasn’t been fixing Hummers or running the shop at a go fast ranch.

He also revisits our weekend in St. Louis, when Todd let his car be transformed into the Mule v2.0 and throws out big thanks to EVERYONE that helped Randy finish the NAMCC season last year.

Watch for changes upcoming at Webb Motorsports. Like a brand new chatroom and new monthly podcast! And don’t forget the best way to get ahold of Randy is via email. That’s randy (at) webbmotorsports (dot) com. It’s also all over the site as well.

Woofcast #127:

Download | Subscribe | zzIIppEEdd | iTunes | 45:40 | 21.0MB

Robert’s Soundseeing Tour #14

dsc02337.jpgThe last of the year, but db was late in getting in posted.

Robert gets a chance to drive a Smart. The grandfather of the lads owns one. 3 cylinder diesel, incredible mileage and quite peppy. Plus, it has the cutest little horn. Awwww.

This isn’t the car he drove, but it looked way cooler. Also to note is the lack of snow on the ground. Robert says:

Note the complete lack of snow in Toronto. It’s almost balmy outside. Methinks we’re going to pay for this come February!

Robert drives a Smart!:

Download | 7:02 | 6.45MB

Fireball Tim @ the LA Auto Show

Fireball Tim at the LA Auto Show. Running time 13:47

The lad and I went to the LA Auto Show last weekend and we got to spend a little time hanging out with Tim and the gang and we talked MINIs! Specifically, the newest MINIs to come out of the Fireballed Garage, Oddjob and the Nexus Interceptor.

This weekend I will also have a bit of a soundseeing tour of the LA Auto show. Just the lad and I cruisin’ around, checkin’ out cars. Watch for it!

Music for this episode came from the Butn Pushn Teknohedz, found at the Podsafe Music Network.

Download/Play | 13:47 | 7.89MB

The Tech Lounge Interview

Brad Day, Senior Editor from The Tech Lounge.com spent about an hour with us last week doing an interview for their technology site. You can read the interview text here.

While not too MINI related, you will get an idea of what happens behind the scenes, plus our thoughts on podcasting in general and what the future holds.

Of course, if you are looking for tech reviews and other technology related news, check out thetechlounge.com. It’s independant and the writing is top notch!

WRR Interview:

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Woofcast #85

Interview with Peter Horvath of M7 Tuning www.m7tuning.com

For those of you that tried downloading earlier, this version is the complete interview. Sorry for the trouble earlier.

We spend some time interviewing Peter Horvath of M7 Tuning. He tells us about up coming projects and how he got started working on MINI’s. It’s a great interview!

Thanks again Peter for taking time out. Don’t forget you can check out all the new products coming over at the M7 website: m7_banner.jpg

And Todd did sneak a bit of GP update in there too.

db did the hard part

Woofcast #85: Download || Subscribe || iTunes ||zip a dee doo dah || 43:10 || 29.6MB

Fireballed! Racing releases first 2 cars

db goes to the Fireballed! Release party.

For those of you that didn’t get to make it out to South Bay MINI Saturday, db was there and recorded most of the day plus had a great interview with Fireball Tim and Peter Bosin, GM of Southbay MINI.

For more information about the new Fireballed! cars, just follow the link below to the registry.

db did the hard part

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