Woofcast #19

Interview: Phil Wicks, part II

We went long this week trying to cover everything and include the Phil Wicks interview, part 2. To make it up to you, I’ve got it posted early 😉

-db is back! Complete with cool new intro! -if you hear it, db forgot to kill AIM sounds. -Almost 1/10th of MINI owners in the US listen to WRR! -Gabe doesn’t use his key.
-Don’t forget about the how-to’s. News

  • MINI United
  • JCW GP Tuning Kit Specs -The Phil Wicks interview, part II -Todd’s wearing the producer hat.
    Listener emails: -Lisa asked what BitTorrent is. Instead of a long drawn out explination you won’t understand, go to this page in the Wikipedia instead. -Marybeth in Encino…ditch the runflats! -Christopher asked about the most bang for your buck as far as horsepower goes.

Again, thanks to all of you that have linked us up on your site, in your message board sig or have actually posted to a message board about WRR! Keep it up!

Todd did the hard part Download || Steal Bandwidth from work || 1:05:39 || 30.1MB

Woofcast #18

Interview: Phil Wicks, part I

Part 1 of Todd & Gabe Interviewing Phil Wicks

-News of the week from Motoringfile, include Gabe & Todd’s take on the ‘green’ MINI. -Interview with Phil Wicks, part 1

Not being this there time around, the interview is VERY interesting. Big thanks from db to Todd and Gabe for doing such an awesome job with it!

As some of you have been requesting both here and on some of the boards (oh yea, we read almost all of those posts), this show is almost 1 hour long!

Stayed tuned for Part 2 of the Phil Wicks interview next week!

Todd did the hard part Download || Download Zip || 59:42 || 27.3MB

Woofcast #14

Interview: “Fireball” Tim Lawrence

Some changes to improve the sound. Gabe will sound better next week (we sent him a new microphone). On a side note, we did manage to get quite a bit of possible out-take reel material off of this episode. It wasn’t pretty. Hence the late post.

Anyway, on to the notes…

-Price of gas doubled? -Interview with Fireball Tim Lawrence -Paris Hilton has a purple garage door -George C. Scott looking at Tuna -Tim explains VHP -M600 will be powered by rodents -It was a pretty bad storm -Lots of MINI motorsports news -GM owns MINI? No, we haven’t gotten our checks yet. -I’m linking, but please, be nice 🙂 Click here and listen about 1/2 way through.

Todd did the hard part Download || Download zip || 44:21 || 20.3MB

Woofcast #9

Interview: Randy Webb

Since most of you have already heard this by now…

We burned through a few buckets of cuss words making this one happen gang. We think you will be pleased with the results!

Huge thanks for our special guest Randy Webb for coming on with us tonight!

  • Randy schools us on adiabatic expansion
  • New exhaust system should be ver very cool!
  • Randy talks alot
  • Pulley Party © Webb Motorsports
  • Popping exhaust sounds cute
  • Randy tells jokes as bad as Gabes
  • Pulley Parties will still happen with the Turbo after serious testing
  • Aluminum coolant tanks don’t leak
  • New Webb Motorsports Exhaust sounds very very cool!

Todd did the hard part

update – For those of you behind a corporate firewall that prevents multimedia downloads, you can get Woof #8 and Woof #9 as zip files. As a service to you, the WRR listener stealing bandwidth from your employer, I will continue to upload the Sunday show as a .zip file.

Just doing my part 🙂
Woof8.zip Woof9.zip For best results, right click and choose save file as.

Download || Webb Motorsports