For those of you that have missed it, we are running a contest that involves Instagram. As our man Todd mentioned, any Nissan Altima that has steel wheels and hubcaps is missing at least one of those. We thought it would be fun to find out how many are actually out there and seen by you guys and gals. I know here in Phoenix I have already seen about 1/2 dozen missing at least one hubcap. We have expanded the contest to include any Japanese make of automobile missing at least one hubcap. This should be easy!
When you spot one, fire up your smart phone and take a picture. Stick that picture on your Instagram account and tag it #wrrhubcap. You can also tag us in that photo (@whiteroofradio) to make sure we see it.
For your trouble, Chad has opened the Detroit Tuned prize closet.

All of that can be yours! There is some great swag in there, like the Detroit Tuned Dragon Pint glass and the MotoringAlliance.com calendar!
Winner will be announced during the next live show, Woofcast 460, recording on Thursday, March 14th. Mark those calendars and get to shooting!