WRR Instagram Contest

For those of you that have missed it, we are running a contest that involves Instagram. As our man Todd mentioned, any Nissan Altima that has steel wheels and hubcaps is missing at least one of those. We thought it would be fun to find out how many are actually out there and seen by you guys and gals. I know here in Phoenix I have already seen about 1/2 dozen missing at least one hubcap. We have expanded the contest to include any Japanese make of automobile missing at least one hubcap. This should be easy!

When you spot one, fire up your smart phone and take a picture. Stick that picture on your Instagram account and tag it #wrrhubcap. You can also tag us in that photo (@whiteroofradio) to make sure we see it.

For your trouble, Chad has opened the Detroit Tuned prize closet.

All of that can be yours! There is some great swag in there, like the Detroit Tuned Dragon Pint glass and the MotoringAlliance.com calendar!

Winner will be announced during the next live show, Woofcast 460, recording on Thursday, March 14th. Mark those calendars and get to shooting!

Listen to White Roof Radio

For you MINI Connected users, we are still working on a way to stream the show just for you. Your patience is greatly appreciated! Until that happens, we have been expanding the ways you can get The World Famous White Roof Radio!

As part of getting into MINI Connected, you can find us on Tune-in Radio. There are versions for just about every mobile device you can imagine and it updates almost as quickly as iTunes. As of today, you can also find us on Stitcher. Available for Android, iOS and Blackberry.

Both of these are free apps and provide a great way to get podcasts without having to use iTunes! Of course we are still working toward streaming the show and currently do not have a hard date we can provide at this time. For now, either of these apps should serve you well.

MINI Golf with MINI of Ontario

title=”Lighthouse by dbwilldo, on Flickr”>Lighthouse

I keep telling you that MINI of Ontario is pretty cool, right? Here is yet another reason why.

They have a WC-50 MINI on the showroom floor right now! To help celebrate that car and possibly hold a silent auction, they invited a bunch of MINI owners out for a round of miniature golf! Held at the Scandia Amusement Center directly across the freeway, we started off shotgun style, playing 17 holes of volcanos, castles and swinging things. The 18th hole, of course, is reserved for that special hole that wins you a free game!

It was a great way to spend a brilliant Southern California morning. Once we finished, we motored back over to MINI of Ontario where they had a full food spread setup for us on the giant covered patio/service drive. The air hockey table was fired up and could be heard over the sound of vuvuzela’s from the World Cup match playing on the big screen LCD TV that hangs outside!

Once lunch started, it was my turn to be put to work by calling out winners for raffle prizes. Car care products and MINI swag were given away as well as some cool gift cards for the winners of the golf tournament! The only thing left was the silent auction for the WC-50.

About that; there were a few bidders on that MINI, but none of them showed. You know what that means, right? Yes boys and girls, MINI of Ontario still has a WC-50 for sale! If you are looking for the most unique and rare of all MINI Coopers, this is the car for you. Hand painted using a two step process, special leather interior and all of the John Cooper Works goodies you like (including the go fast engine parts) and individually numbered make this MINI very special. More so than Todd’s beloved GP if you can believe that! If you are one that just has this car in your driveway and your local dealer doesn’t have one, give them a call at (888) 743-4041 and talk to sales manager Dan. Hurry! It won’t last long!

Thanks again to MINI of Ontario for putting on such a great event! These guys do it right!

Thank You!


Getting close to closing out February and it would seem that you folks out in White Roof Radio land are still enjoying this little dog and pony show that Todd, Gabe, Chad and I put together every week. Click the graphic above to see that WRR is currently holding down the #6 spot for audio automotive podcasts! That’s better than Car & Driver, all of the Motortrend shows and Autoblog!

You rule!

We’ve got a big month coming up that you aren’t going to want to miss! First up, I will be at MINI of Ontario for the blood drive on February 27th. If you think you are going to make it, RSVP on Facebook or call Colin at 909.390.1818 to let him know you are coming. It’s going to be pretty awesome.

If you haven’t been over there yet, here is a short video to give you a taste of how cool it is!

After that, Todd and I will both be back at MINI of Ontario on March 6th for their Grand Opening! It’s going to be a HUGE party that you won’t want to miss! Bonus, if you aren’t in SoCal, you might not have too. Stay tuned for details coming. UPDATE: If you are planning on attending, please RSVP on Facebook or email rsvp@miniofontario.com.

Finally, at the end of March we will all be at AMVIV! We say this every year, but we honestly think that this is the year you are not going to want to miss! It is going to be EPIC!

Thanks for listening, thanks for sticking with us and thanks for spreading the word. It’s because of you, the fine White Roof Radio listener, that we do this!

Extra Extra, Read all about it!


To help celebrate 4 years of the Woofcast, SCMM, one of the largest MINI Cooper Clubs in the nation, has published an article about us in their latest newsletter.

If you are in Southern California, this is the only club to join. Great events, great people and always a good time. I should know, I’m member number one!

Check it out, on page 3, here (pdf download)

New Feature: Ask Chad


That’s right, WRR is starting something new! After spending sometime with Chad Miller from Detroit Tuned during Woofcast 301, we thought it would be fun if we could get you, the WRR listener, to send in questions that Chad could answer. As it turns out, you think it’s a good idea too, based on the great feedback we’ve received this week!

Here’s the dealio. If you have a question about modifying, repairing or maintaining your MINI, shoot that over to askchad@whiteroofradio.com or call the WRR voicemail line at (206) 202-3252. When we get enough questions, we’ll get Chad back on the show to get those questions answered.

To start with we are shooting for twice a month. But, if we get enough questions, we might do it weekly!

WRR Live tonight!

That’s right, the boys are doing another LIVE show tonight starting at 6:00PM PST, 8:00PM CST and 9:00PM EST via TalkShoe.com.

Update…We are done and are pleased with the results. For those of you that came by to check us out, thanks! I’m sure this is something we will do in the future.

In the past we have used uStream.tv for our live shows with the comments are Motoringfile. While that worked kinda ok, it wasn’t the best solution. We are hoping that Talkshoe will better suit our needs, even tho the audio quality isn’t quite as good and there isn’t video.

To listen along at home, just follow the links to our page on TalkShoe and click Listen Now. No need to sign up or anything. However, if you want to join us in the chat room or possibly have the chance to call in, you will need a free account. It only takes a minute and I think the added benefits are definitely worth it!

We’ll talk to all y’all later tonight!