A short run through the top stories from MotoringFile.com with Mr. Gabe Bridger in attendance before getting into what we will be doing at MINI United. Not before I realize that Todd and I totally need spy gear.
Do you suffer from the dreaded Death Rattle? Check that post at MF and definitely bring it up with your dealer! And, if you are looking for some great MINI E links, check out this post at Jasonsmini.com.
Finally, we talk a bit about what’s going on during MINI United and how we are planning our attack. First of all, we also can’t believe that they invited us along for a Pub Crawl. We also know that a Pub Crawl usually requires more than 2 pubs. Something, I can only imagine, we’ll be making at attempt to fix.
Don’t forget, if you want to follow along with our upcoming MINI United coverage, you can. All the details can be found here. Of course, if you are going to be at MINI United (or are already there), keep an eye out for Todd and myself and be sure to stop by and say hi!
Woofcast 296:
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