Woofcast #296

A short run through the top stories from MotoringFile.com with Mr. Gabe Bridger in attendance before getting into what we will be doing at MINI United. Not before I realize that Todd and I totally need spy gear.

Do you suffer from the dreaded Death Rattle? Check that post at MF and definitely bring it up with your dealer! And, if you are looking for some great MINI E links, check out this post at Jasonsmini.com.

Finally, we talk a bit about what’s going on during MINI United and how we are planning our attack. First of all, we also can’t believe that they invited us along for a Pub Crawl. We also know that a Pub Crawl usually requires more than 2 pubs. Something, I can only imagine, we’ll be making at attempt to fix.

Don’t forget, if you want to follow along with our upcoming MINI United coverage, you can. All the details can be found here. Of course, if you are going to be at MINI United (or are already there), keep an eye out for Todd and myself and be sure to stop by and say hi!

Woofcast 296:

Download | 12.6MB | 27:24 | WRR @ iTunes

MINI United Update

MINI United is coming up in less than 60 days, which is a perfect time for us to get together with Gina Kutros, Shows and Events Manager from MINIUSA. She answers questions about extra costs involved and gives us the low down on what MINIUSA has planned for those going to MINI United from the US.

If you are in the US and planning on going, be sure to register through MINIUSA here. You can get all of the information from the invitation and be sure to keep an eye on miniunited.com for updates. You can set up a free account there as well so you can connect with others that are going.

Not able to make it? Not to worry! White Roof Radio will be, bringing you interviews, photos and video as it happens from Silverstone!

MINI United Update:

Download | 4.6MB | 9:54 | WRR @ iTunes

Rauno Aaltonen – 1967 Monte Carlo Rally

Todd recently found this short bit of audio left from last year’s MINI United.

Recorded during dinner at ’15’, it’s Rauno talking about his experience during the 1967 Monte Carlo Rally, which he won, in a Mini Cooper S. If you are missed our original interview with Rauno during MINI United, you will find it here.

If you are going to be participating in MINI Takes the States, there is a chance you could ask him questions about this yourself as he will be attending the Miami and Boston Events, plus making a 5 day rally between the two events!

Keep an eye out here and at Motoringfile for more information about MTTS as it becomes available! We’ll have more information later this week.

1967 Monte Carlo Rally:

Download | 4.8MB | 10:23 | WRR @ iTunes

Woofcast #189

Immediately after touring Plant Oxford last June, Todd and I where wisked into a very large room where we got to interview the Quality and Engineering Director for MINI. We got to ask some great questions, and he answered all of them! Everyone at Plant Oxford was very generous with their time while we were there and if you ever get the chance to get over there for a tour it is highly recommended.

A short week this week as I mentioned during #188. Don’t worry, we are going to make it up to you in the form of a live show this Thursday! Full details to follow soon.

Woofcast #189:

Download | 9 MB | 19:37 | Zipped | WRR @ iTunes

MINI United Wrap-up

title=”Photo Sharing” rel=”lightbox”>the 2nd
Sure we already did our wrap-up show, but this was our wrap-up from MINI United, in our R56 being driven by our new friend Oliver.

This is the last bit of MINI United Audio we have! In case you missed any of it, you can find all of the WRR MINI United 2007 posts here, all of the Motoringfile coverage here, all of the pictures here and the MINI United Blog here.

Finally, HUGE thanks to everyone that talked to us; Mike Cooper, Gert Hildebrand, Rauno Aaltonen and Dr. Kay Segler! Of course, thanks out to MINI, MINI USA, the gang at Plant Oxford and everyone else that helped us out along the way! Thanks for having us, we look forward to doing this again!

Check back Sunday and Monday for brand new Woofcasts too! We’re back!

MU Wrap-up from Amsterdam

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