MTTS Update: Follow Along

Can you believe this actually starts _this week_? Here at WRR we are getting pretty excited as you can imagine. Hopefully we’ll be able to share most of that excitement with you as well! Before going further, do make sure you have registered for the MTTS event you are going to be attending. Besides saving …

MTTS Update: Whiteroofradio will be LIVE!

Yes indeed, you did read that correctly! After many months of testing in our labs we have discovered that we can, for sure, broadcast live audio from the front seat of a MINI to anyone that wants to listen along via Video was choppy, but we are hoping for a stronger connection then we …

MTTS Update: Your Questions Answered

We gave you the chance to ask some questions, and Gina Koutros took almost 20 minutes with us earlier today to answer them. Besides the questions, we also get some more information about the way the events were planned, hows and whys and all that. There will be more updates coming a little later this …

Event Update: MTTS 2008

Gina Koutros from MINIUSA took time away from getting ready for the New York Auto Show to give us some more detail on MINI Takes the States 2008! We find out the reasoning behind selection Miami, Boston, Chicago and LA for this years event. Plus a sneak peak into the reasoning behind separate weekends. For …