Monterey Day 2

MTTS Day 2 – For now enjoy about 20 minutes of interviews and fun audio from GP delivery day in Monterey


As you all know Friday was delivery day for 32 lucky GP owners in Monterey. I was able to capture some interviews with a few of the owners and even a few words from Mike Cooper himself. Michael Cooper is actually John Michael Cooper so he signed my GP dash as John Cooper with a remarkable flair that you might recognize. Check the flicker for a rather poor camera phone image. I’m still without a way to get pictures from my camera to the laptop but I should have those photos transferred and posted shortly.

For now enjoy about 20 minutes of interviews and fun audio from GP delivery day in Monterey.


Download | 17:51 | 16.4MB” border=0″>

So it begins…

MTTS1.pngTodd has arrived safely in Monterey and is already hobnobbing with the big guys (and girl!). I was able to speak with other soon-to-be GP owners earlier today and they were excited to say the least! I could feel the excitement coming through the telephone as they spoke. I’ll be trying to get some of them interviewed over the next few days as well.

Check back tomorrow with the full GP report and possible a picture or two!

Todd did it


Download || 2:43 || 2.49MB

Today’s coverage of MTTS brought to you by:


MTTS Stops, Part II

MTTS Stops – Day 10-15

MTTS.pngSo, it begins. Ok, this is actually part II, but it makes it better to read if it’s here.

Anyone else excited? I know I am!

Michael and Patricia Babiskin from the Mail Buoy Podcast join me to go through each stop on MTTS, 1 day at a time.

I will warn you that it is long. I had originally planned to get the entire thing on 1 CD, but Michael and Patricia had so much great information and route corrections that we went much longer. So long in fact that I broke it into 2 shows so that you are still able to burn it to CD. I will be linking both shows here to make it easy to download plus posting them both so iTunes picks them up.


Clubs and People

If you did burn this to CD and are done listening to it, why not hand it off to another fellow MTTS motorer? We’d appreciate it!

And, if you haven’t already, you should go ahead and program the WRR voicemail line into your phone and provide your own coverage! The number is (206) 33-WHITE.

db did the hard part

Download || Download Day 1-10 || 34:45 || 23.8MB

MTTS Stops, Part I

MTTS Stops, Day 1-10

db, along with Michael and Patricia Babishkin, go through each stop for the MTTS event.

Check the Part II post for all of the links and information.

If you haven’t already, be sure to program the WRR voicemail line into your cell phone so you can play along! The number is (206) 33-WHITE.

db did the hard part


Download || 1:09:52 || 48.0MB