MTTS2014 Update: Feeder Routes and Events


Are you, your club or dealership working some super, extra NOT NORMAL something something for MTTS? Want to make sure as many people as possible know about it? Check this out!

It’s no secret that the MINI Community is what makes MINI TAKES THE STATES so much fun. Our car club enthusiasts and local MINI dealers are a very important part of making this event a success. Similar to past MTTS events, all the clubs and dealers across the United States will have the opportunity to participate in MINI TAKES THE STATES and to promote it from within and to their members/owners.

If your local MINI Club or Dealership is planning a local event or is planning to rally to a MTTS route stop via a feeder route, let us know by clicking on the link below and sending us your information. We’ll then post it on our website so that other MOTORISTS can stay informed. Please note that all submissions are subject to review and editing. Once approved, they will be listed on the MTTS Web site under the ‘Rally’ page within the ‘Dealer & Club’ tab, in chronological order.

Using the link directly below tell us what your club’s rally or pre-event plans are for your city. If you are working with a local dealer, let us know. There you’ll find a link to a form where you can submit your details directly to us. Please include as many details as possible, as we intend to post your club’s and/or dealer info as details are confirmed.

Click this link to get that information over to MINIUSA!

MTTS 2014 Details Available


The information you have been waiting for since this event was announced in 2013 is now available! The route has been updated with approximate mileage and host hotels in the cities where that information is available. Click over to to get what you need. Register opens March 27th. Be sure to mark those calendars.

Ok, fess up. Who’s going and how far?

EXCLUSIVE: MINI Takes the States 2014 Dates

UPDATE: We also have the route map. More details can be found here.

One of our favorite events every few years is MINI Takes the States. For those of you that aren’t familiar with it, imagine driving coast-to-coast in the United States. Got it? Now, add in about 6,000 of your MINI friends, family, soon to be friends (or family) and crazies! Yea, that is MTTS.

MTTS 2012 was epic and we can’t wait for the next one. We are sure you can’t either. We expect some kind of big announcement later in the week, but we do know that part of that announcement for MTTS 2014 is going to be the date. We are being told that it will run from July 26th, 2014 thru August 9th, 2014. Details of the drive haven’t been shared, but we know it won’t be a giant ‘M’. We think it’s going to be another coast-to-coast rally.

Mark those calendars gang and start requesting time off. This is an event you do not want to miss! And stay tuned!

Todd’s Thoughts on the JCW Roadster

Twelve days, 4,482 miles, 17 states, 6,000 MINI friends and 46 and a half hours of top down motoring in a JCW Roadster. Those are just some of the numbers from my two week adventure on MINI Takes the States. There will be lots of reviews of the trip to come but, for now, I’m going to focus on my time in the Roadster.

In normal, day to day motoring, driving a JCW Roadster will get tons of looks and cause a lot of head-turns because its’ stunning in person. On MTTS, it’s hard to stand out in a sea of well appointed MINIs but the JCW Roadster did just that. Upon entering it, the first thing you want to do in put the top down. The, now standard, semi-automatic top is fantastic. A simple turn of the release handle and a slight push up is all it takes to get started. Press the toggle and the top goes down in just a few seconds with an audible chime alerting you when the process is complete and you’re ready to get moving. My biggest issue with this particular Roadster is the lack of the Recaro seats. This particular car was spec’d with them but a manufacturing hold up kept them from being installed on our test Roadster. Ok, we’ll deal. The problem? The substitution was the black lounge leather seats. While the lounge leather seats are very comfortable, they’re not aggressive looking enough for my taste and the leather is not a great idea in the summer in any drop top ride. Five minutes in the hot summer sun make the seats extremely hot so you really need to always remember to put the top up if the car is going to sit for more than a few minutes. The next problem with the leather is that while enjoying top down motoring in the sun, they don’t breathe and, yes, you’re gonna sweat. A lot. So my first recommendation is that you go for cloth or the amazing Recaros although those may even be a little warm too. I can only speculate. Continue reading “Todd’s Thoughts on the JCW Roadster”

WRR Army Water Pistol Attack

Jim McDowell. Head Motorer & MINI USA Chief. He’s a swell guy. I mean, he drove from New Jersey to LA in a convertible along with the rest of us. Got everyone to sign his MINI that will probably go on display at MINIUSA HQ. And he is a bit of a prankster.

During the first few days of MINI Takes the States, out of nowhere there was a cold and wet sensation felt by many of the attendees. It wasn’t rain or a leaky roof, it was Jim sneakily squirting people with a water pistol. If you were hit, you looked around to see him giggling to himself as he moved on to his next victim.

A brilliant idea was hatched to retaliate! We would weaponize the WRR Army for a surprise attack in Chicago during the rise and shine meeting. Little did we know that another faction was also doing the same thing. When that was found out, we combined forces and formulated a plan. Continue reading “WRR Army Water Pistol Attack”