Time for a Break. Again

Dear fine and good looking fans of White Roof Radio,

We have been doing this for more than 10 years as you already know. I have made the decision for us to take a break. As before, I will be sharing episodes from the Way Back Machine during that time, first one will be coming up tomorrow, then back to Monday night like you are used to.

We appreciate your continued support in all of the ways that you support us.



Support White Roof Radio


On August 1st, 2014, White Roof Radio will be celebrating our 9th anniversary. And it’s time time to kick things up a few notches!

You guys have been offering to help out for as long as I can remember, now here it your chance. We aren’t charging for the show (will be free forever!), just giving you a chance to help support what we do. By support, I mean provide the ability to grow the show through advertising and getting word to the dealer network. Give us the ability to cover more MINI events like MINIs on the Dragon, MINIs in the Mountains and other National MINI events that we don’t get to cover.

Patreon will help you to help us! It’s easy to set up, you can set a maximum budget and stop contributing at any time. You don’t even have to contribute! White Roof Radio will remain free as long as we do the show. This of this more as an on-going Kickstarter-type program.

Ready to start? patreon.com/whiteroofradio to get started. And, thanks!



All JCW GP, all time. If you are looking to order one and get the full skinny on the specs and features, MINIUSA has created a special site just for you. And, they made it live today!.

MINIUSA JCW GP Official Site. Go forth and have fun!

We have also discovered the new JCW section is also live! Check it out here. The new design is pretty smart and probably a sneak peak at what is to come for miniusa.com.

JCW GP Ordering Information


We have spent so much time actually discussing the new JCW GP, we figured it would be a great idea to pass along the information needed to actually order one! Here is what you need, direct from the MINIUSA Facebook page.

The limited edition MINI John Cooper Works GP is an uncompromising performance machine that hits 60 MPH from a standstill in 5.9 seconds. With only 500 or so coming to the U.S. you’ll have to move fast if you’re interested. GP fast.

To speak to a MINI representative and reserve a 2013 MINI John Cooper Works GP of your own, call: 1-800-610-5269

Who out there is ordering one? Have you heard anything about the delivery yet? Sound off in the comments below or leave a note on the WRR Facebook page!

iPhone 5 + MINI Connected = Works


A topic of discussion under the White Roof lately has been whether or not the iPhone 5 works with MINI Connected. We discussed it at length over the past few shows. Finally, with some testing done, it can be reported that MINI Connected does work with the iPhone 5 as we discussed during Woofcast 441.

We originally heard that the iPhone 5 wouldn’t be supported at this time. Apple isn’t making the connector available to OEMs until November. Once it is available, testing and further development can begin and it’s being reported that a final solution will not be available until mid 2013. We are not sure what those updates will entail.

Also, while most of the features still work, there are a few features, like video out, that do not. We have also discovered that when using the Apple 0.2m 30-pin to Lightning adapter, the iPhone does not charge, but it will with the full sized adapter. This from Motoringfile.com reader Zubin:

When I used the “Y” cable with my 09 JCW Convertible with the “Lightning to 30pin Adapter”, I can access all my music and play lists and my iPhone 5 charges without issue (albeit very slowly). Now here is the interesting and weird thing which I believe is undocumented so far. When I use the “Y” cable with my 090 JCW Convertible with the “Lightning to 30pin 0.2m Adapter” I can access all my music, but IT WILL NOT CHARGE the iPhone.

Read his entire comment here.

It would seem that the lack of charging and other issues with the 0.2m Adapter aren’t only issues with MINI Connected. A quick search shows users of the DICE system as well as Audi’s in car system are having similar issues. It might have something to do with the connector, as described at apple.com:

This adapter lets you connect devices with a Lightning connector to many of your 30-pin accessories. Support for analog audio output, USB audio, as well as syncing and charging. Video output not supported. Some 30-pin accessories are not supported.

We are watching for updates and will share those when we find them!