Robert Drives a Lancia

Robert does the ol’ drivers seat swap again. This time he drives an ’89 Lancia Delta Turbo Integrale with the owner, then lets him drive his MINI for a quick comparison. If you are a fan of the old rally cars, you will love this episode!

Don’t forget you can also find Robert at either of his other 2 shows, both of which deserve a spot in your iPod! He does the Mobile Movie Minute, where he, his wife and the occasional friend review movies from his MINI!. You can also check him out at the Business Cast talking about issues faced by Entrepreneurs and small business owners.

Robert drives a Lancia:

Download | 22.9MB | 25:00 | WRR @ iTunes | Soundseeing Tour Archives

Robert’s Soundseeing Tour #25

It’s been a while since Robert’s done a soundseeing tour for us, being so busy with his other podcasts. This is one I’m sure you will like.

He is actually claiming that the Alta car he drove is faster than the GP. I’m sure Todd will have something to say about that!

Be sure to check out Robert’s other shows. He can be found talking about movies in his MINI at The Mobile Movie Minute and laying down sound business advice for entrepreneurs at the Business Cast. Both are great shows worth checking out!

Robert’s Soundseeing Tour 25:

Download | 8.5MB | 8:51 | WRR @ iTunes

Robert’s Soundseeing Tour #23


It’s been awhile since we’ve been able to enjoy the audio stylings of Robert Gold. He’s been busy with the Mobile Movie Minute and the new and improved Business Cast, both of which would be worthy of your subscription.

So Robert went to the Toronto Auto Show with Paul, one of his frequent co-hosts on the Mobile Movie Minute. He talks to everyone and spends quite a bit of time crawling in, on and around a 2008 MINI Cooper Clubman. Good stuff as always, I’m sure you’ll like it!

Robert’s Soundseeing Tour #23:

Download | 10.3MB | 11:12 | WRR @ iTunes

Robert’s Soundseeing Tour #22


So db goes to Canada and didn’t even get you one of those crappy ‘my friend went to Canada and only brought back this crappy tshirt’ t-shirts. True enough, but I did get to spend sometime with Robert doing one of his world famous soundseeing tours.

Also true I am not a cute 14 year old girl. Not a problem there either since Robert actually let me drive his MINI. Ok, so it was an empty parking lot, but still.

Thanks again to Robert for coming out and hanging with me for the night. It was great fun!

Don’t forget to check out Robert’s other podcasts! Business Cast with him and Reader Guy offering tips to business. And, the now also World Famous Mobile Movie Minute with his lovely wife. They see movies and review them in his MINI!

Robert and db:

Download | 15.5MB | 16:54

Robert’s Soundseeing Tour #21

Robert gets new Spark plugs. Running time 2:55


I’ve had this one on deck for far too long. Sorry Robert!

While Robert was getting work done on his MINI, they gave him a Chevy HHR to drive. Joining him this time is his wife and co-host from the Mobile Movie Minute, Cindy. I could write more, but really, just listen.

For those of you that received the Spark Plug episode, all apologies. Robert already chastized me for that.

Don’t forget to check out Robert’s other podcasts! Business Cast with him and Reader Guy offering tips to business. And, the now also World Famous Mobile Movie Minute with his lovely wife. They see movies and review them in his MINI!

Download | 8:01 | 7.3MB