Robert’s Soundseeing Tour #14

dsc02337.jpgThe last of the year, but db was late in getting in posted.

Robert gets a chance to drive a Smart. The grandfather of the lads owns one. 3 cylinder diesel, incredible mileage and quite peppy. Plus, it has the cutest little horn. Awwww.

This isn’t the car he drove, but it looked way cooler. Also to note is the lack of snow on the ground. Robert says:

Note the complete lack of snow in Toronto. It’s almost balmy outside. Methinks we’re going to pay for this come February!

Robert drives a Smart!:

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Robert’s Soundseeing Tour #13

robert1.jpgThe boys are back! Robert, Jesse, Jake and Spencer back again to cause more mischief on the streets of Toronto.

For their Christmas Special, they drive around Toronto looking for the best freeway onramps, wide enough roads for a reverse J-Turn and someplace to get air in the MINI! Good times as always.

For those of you that are new to Robert’s soundseeing tours, you can go back in the archives and check them all out here. His last one with the lads was classic, much as this one is going to be!


Robert’s Soundseeing Tour #13:

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A Canadian in Italy

Robert Soundseeing in Italy” alt=”dsc01859_2.jpg” / style=”float:left; padding:3px; margin:3px;”>Robert and his Wife report in from Italy…not driving a MINI!.

That annoying beeping sound? That would be Robert breaking the speed limit laws in Italy. But at least he has a cool GPS! Great to hear Robert being given what for by both his wife AND the GPS unit, affectionately known as Millie.

And Robert might be switching to a scooter? He could start a club with Michael!

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Robert’s Soundseeing Tour #12

Robert’s Soundseeing Tour #12 – Running time 16:51

robert1.jpgRobert’s back!. He took a break during MTTS to catch up on his NASCAR races and he returns with a MINI full of his cousins on a rainy night in the ‘hood.

They attack a 40kmp/h onramp at close to 100kmp/h! TWICE! And the lads proceede to take us to task over the Horseshoe wheels and Liquid Yellow, plus take some shots at the GP. Me, I think it’s jealousy. I think they actually get Robert’s MINI airborne too!

If you haven’t listened to any of these yet, this would be a great one to start with!

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Robert’s Soundseeing Tour

Robert’s Soundseeing Tour – crusing Wolfe Island with Victoria and Luke

robert1.jpgThis time scaring youngsters on Wolfe Island and finding out just how fast a MINI can go in reverse! This time with Victoria and her boyfriend Luke. Tearin’ up the streets where speed limits are an option.

Many bugs were killed in the making of this soundseeing tour.

Robert did it

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Robert’s Soundseeing Tour #6

Robert’s Soundseeing Tour #6

At least I think it’s number 6.

Robert takes another MINI newbie out for a terror inducing, tire squealing ride through the streets of Ontario, Canada. Sure the newbie is a girl (and quite a bit younger this time too!), but you should know that’s his M.O. by now gang! From WRR listener jSchwa:

weekdaypirate: dude… i’m pretty sure i can hear the braces and pigtails in that girls voice

Just make sure you get her driving the MINI when she gets her license!

Robert did the hard part

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