db & Todd cast #4.3

Todd and I were testing tonight, and I thought I would go ahead and share.

Actually, some corrections from the last and information pertaining to future ‘casts.

Show Notes

  • For now, db & Todd podcasts (no, not toddcasts) episodes will be posted every Sunday before 10:00PM PST
  • Corrections, corrections, corrections
  • Future features of the podcast
  • Listener comments…send those to use gang! Comment on the show notes or send an email to radio (at) dbmini (dot) us

The next cast will be this Sunday, July 24th. Our main topic will be cleaning and detailing. If you have any questions you would like to have us attempt to answer, email them to us at the above address.

And, just to say it one more time, thanks for all of the feedback gang! Keep it coming!

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2 thoughts on “db & Todd cast #4.3”

  1. Hey, I just tried downloading this one again. The first 5 seconds sound okay but then it speeds up, making you guys sound like helium sniffers.
    I didn’t have any problem when it was on DBMINI.

  2. Did you download through iTunes or from here? I’m going to do it from here and check it out. Just did the download and you are correct! I had this problem with it at dbmini, but I don’t know why.

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