From the Archives: Woofcast #102


Firing up the way back machine again for you guys, but only once this week. Between Chad recovering from MINI on the Mac and Todd printing t-shirts and recovering from the Vegas heat and Alex being out of the country, thought it would be good time to take a break. Enjoy.

This was the first episode in which Mr. Babishkin from the The Bloke and A Bird podcast appeared, plus we talked about the M600. You remember that, don’t you?

Normal service resumes next week. Thanks for your patience, as always!

We start off the next century of White Roof Radio with Michael Babishkin, in for Gabe tonight, as we cover news of the week. Todd blathers on some more about the JCW steering wheel, we talk about the newest VW commercials and a little R56 talk. Oh yea, we also talk about the availability of the parcel shelf and a bit about the M600 run last week.

Check back Monday morning to guess your time for the M600 at Pomona next weekend! That gives you a whole day to think about it. Here are our guesses:

  • Todd…10.27
  • Michael…10.35
  • db…10.4 @ 130-ish MPH

Whoever comes closest without going over wins a brand spankin’ new WRR T-Shirt!

Update…Upon hearing about our contest, Fireball Tim has decided to kick in for the prize pool! Check back tomorrow morning to see what it is. Trust me, it’s very very cool!

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2 thoughts on “From the Archives: Woofcast #102”

  1. Love the through back podcasts. Love that 10 years later you are all still as enthusiastic as when you started.

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