Steve Ambeau took his role about a year ago and got right to work! Gabe spends 30 minutes learning what MINIUSA has been working on and, in particuluar, how Steve thinks things have been going and what will be changing going forward. This is the what you have been waiting for. If you can about MINI, do not miss this.

In case you missed it, go back and listen to Gabe’s interview with Mike Peyton, head of MINIUSA. Both of these can also be found wherever you listen to podcasts, in the White Roof Radio feed. And stay tuned, Woofcast 663 will be coming in the next few days!

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2 replies on “Interview: Steve Ambeau, Department Head, MINI Brand Communications”

  1. Great show guys. Kudos for your longevity. Do you have a F56 JCW buying guide or a WRR podcast #? I’m looking for a new daily and years ago had a R56 MCS which was a blast to drive. I’m looking for a 2016-17 JCW 2 door hardtop A6. Any issues with those years? (except no apple CarPlay 🙂 Thanks Eddie

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