MINI Badges Done Right!

OK, call me crazy, but I just want to show off Todd’s badges.

I’m not convinced the paint will be damaged (as my LY/B MINI had large magnetic meatball numbers on each door), but the look you see here may not stay.� After all, who wants to peel off the badges before each car wash?

But those badges sure are standout.� (My official badge holder came into stock today.� They’re somewhat of a rarity in Canada).

And that’s me,, with my Flame Spoke Wheels.� Not Horseshoe.� Flame Spoke, also apparently making an appearance on the Canadian Limited Edition MINI, whatever that is!).

(Oh, and guys:� Shania’s from Timmins, Ontario).


11 thoughts on “MINI Badges Done Right!”

  1. Those HORSESHOE wheels are awesome! J/K about the name. The badges look cool like that but don’t leave them on for long.

  2. According to the sign, your headed in the wrong direction! 😀 just kidding. Those badges look cool lined up like that. Do you have seven more on the other side?

  3. No, but I would if Gabe didn’t have me so paranoid about the paint.

    I want to subscribe to any Club badges that Todd makes. I love these things!

    I just picked up my badge holder from BMW Toronto (corp. owned store that handles parts for Downtown MINI, also corp. owned).

    With taxes: $47.73 Cdn. $$$ WOW!

    And DanC: The sign is wrong, believe it or not. Plus, it looks cool in the pic, eh?


  4. What? You mean they exist on other than the Checkmate and the much misunderstood Canadian Special Edition with the much maligned power-folding-mirrors??

    Oh man, my resale is not lookin’ good!!!


  5. Just an FYI about the storage of the magnetic badges. Don’t leave them stacked up on top of each other and in your car if you happen to spend a day in Texas heat.

    They all curled up towards the printed side. No worries, though, since I’ve moved them to an air conditioned environment and layed them flat on a sheet of metal. They’ve all returned to their original, flat shape.

    The funny thing is that the one on the grill badge holder is out in the blazing sun all day with no fade or curl. Go figure.

  6. Hi,

    great site and those badges look awesome! I’m trying to get some made up for my MINI club in England but can’t get a response from emailing Todd – he is prob just busy but can someone give me his email address just incase it’s a different one to the one i’m trying..

    thanks and keep up the good work!

  7. Hey David … Todd got your email and should have already responded. Someone has to put stripes on all those MINIs that Baron is selling!

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