MINI Comments

Mini Paul is still looking for comments!

This is a call out to owners and drivers of classic minis and the new BMW minis. In my next podcast I’m going to talk about the reasons why the public favour both types of car so much.

You can get more information here or email him here. He knows he said 0930 in the intro, but he hasn’t been able to record yet. So go on over and help him out! I know I did 🙂

Either way, be sure to let him know you came from here!

One thought on “MINI Comments”

  1. I think you guys are doing a great job and I absolutely love how easy going yet informative your shows are. I like the balance between “just some guys making a radio show about the MINI” and the real, down to earth good fresh info on the MINI and MINI lifestyle/reality.

    Keep up the good info.


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