MINI Cooper JCW Soundkit Audio Review

Audio Review – Todd reviews the JCW MINI Cooper Sound Kit

Todd got a little bit of seat time behind the wheel of a MINI Cooper with the JCW Sound kit.

We used to have some great photos of this kit, but they were lost to the great server outage of aught six.

If you are wondering what this sounds like, or what a modded MINI Cooper sounds like, this is your chance. Todd did an awesome job and I think you should all enjoy it!

Todd did the hard part
R50 JCW Sound kit review: Download || Download Zip || 6:22 || 2.94MB

12 thoughts on “MINI Cooper JCW Soundkit Audio Review”

  1. I like the sound. What were Todd’s impressions of driving the car with the sound kit. And how much noiser was it in the cabin?

  2. I really liked the Cooper with the Sound Kit and I didn’t think it was too loud or obnoxious in the cabin. The sweet music of the intake was from 5K-6K RPM so at cruising speeds and RPMs it was not noticeably louder than stock.

    The boost in throttle response and hp, slight as it is, was evident to me. Then again I drive a Cooper S every day…

  3. It’s the perfect stealth mod for wives who share your car. Mine didn’t want me to get something that was too loud.

    Since she doesn’t usually rev it up (at least when I’m around) and plays her music really high, she didn’t even notice the upgrade until she saw the badge.

    I, on the other hand, didn’t listen to my stereo for a month.

  4. I’m not sure, but I do know that all but 1 or 2 aftermarket intakes DO NOT work with the CVT. I’m not sure if this one will or not, or if the ECU programming will either.

  5. >I, on the other hand, didn’t listen to my stereo for a month.

    I was the same way after I did my exhaust and intake. Heck, I still have some days where I just roll down the windows and drive around @60MPH in third gear 😉

  6. Great review!

    however, listing to you driving that Cooper at full volume did make it a little difficult to drive my own car 😛

  7. That recording is awesome, btw! Can I get a loop of that interior sound to repeat on my iPod? I’ll pump that through the HK and save myself $1100+. LOL!!!!

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