MTTS Coverage: Fireball Tim gets a flat!

On his journey from New Mexicon to Amarillo, Texas, Tim had a run in with something that actually caused the run flat tire to go flat!

But, who came to his rescue? That’s right a Cooper owner! Becky was kind enough to loan Tim her spare for the GP. Tim said the wheel was a little scratched, but not bad. And, he was able to get everything fixed up by MINI Roadside in Amarillo. One.jpgTwo.jpg

Big Thanks to: Becky Smyth, S. Carolina (She’s the blonde that gave us the tire!) Re’ne Bynum, Texas Keith LeWarne, California John Griffin, Studio City, CA Greg and Marcia Sorini, San Diego, CA


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10 thoughts on “MTTS Coverage: Fireball Tim gets a flat!”

  1. Brian appears to be sitting on one of the wheels from the M600. I’ll have to ask why it wasn’t used

  2. Ha ha, yeah the wheels are thick and use really long studs so they wouldnt bolt up. Would have been a cool look for the GP 🙂

    Coopers are awesome !! Gotta love having the cooper save the day for the GP.

    A big thanks to all in the group who stopped to help us and loan us a tire !!!

  3. A GP with two donuts on the back would have made it look closer to the M600 (large front small Back).
    Now you understand why people buy coopers.
    It would have been better with a solid gold or silk green with a debaged S!

  4. Thats when they take the cooper off and leave the S when its just a cooper for the Non-bmw people of there

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