Party with White Roof Radio!

All y’all know Todd and I are going to be hanging out at MINI of Ontario for thier huge grand opening bash already, right? Food, fun, cool prizes and a chance to check out the newest MINI dealership in SoCal and meet the people behind the magic. You keep hearing me go on and on about this place, come on down and see for yourself just how awesome they are!

We also might have mentioned that we wanted to have a bit of a listener only party after the event. Let this serve as your official notice of said event!

Since Todd is flying all the way from KC (where, oddly enough, the weather will be better), we’re putting him in the swankest hotel in the IE; The Aloft. Everything that I’m seeing and reading says this place is all that and a bag of chips. How about you, me, Todd and as many MINI Owners as possible come down and see how they handle the crowd? We even have a small budget for this shindig for food and non-adult style beverages.

Here are the details:

The Aloft Hotel 10480 Fourth Street Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730

Let’s say 6:30/7:00PM-ish? In the hotel bar? If we outgrow this place, I’m sure we’ll be able to find someplace equally cool to hang out.

It’s going to a lot of fun and it’s also a great way to warm up for AMVIV happening in just a few short weeks!