Robert Soundseeing the MINI DNA Party

It’s been a long time coming, but here is the first of 3 new soundseeing tours that Robert has sent in!

He hangs out at the MINI DNA Party in Toronto with his Wife and co-host of his other podcast. Sounds like a great time! And check out these cool new roof graphics.


Robert Soundsee’s MINI DNA

I know I said I was working on breaking these out into their own feed. I am still working on it, but my day jobs keep getting in the way. Thanks for your patience!

Download | 23:31 | 21.6MB

4 thoughts on “Robert Soundseeing the MINI DNA Party”

  1. Whoa. Knitted seat covers?

    Cindy snacking on Lack of Ram? (I think my Powerbook has that)

    Severe-sounding Muencheners? (Was she wearing artsy glasses? Sounds like it.)

    This podcast has it all!

  2. Hey Tim:

    No artsy glasses, but she was a looker – and young for her position of MINI power!

    Really too bad I forgot the camera.


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