Holy crap! Robert truly taking one for the team here as he drives Howard’s Lincoln somethinghuge. Everything is HUGE in this vehicle and turns take 9 points!
Was that a little jab at the automatic I heard there Robert? 😉
Robert’s soundseeing tour #7 – Robert drives the Lincoln
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That Lincoln was really a piece of crap. Nicely appointed crap, but crap nonetheless. Who in their right mind would own a monster like that, especially with the price of gas the way it is, and the way it’s going to be forever?
And Howard just tools around all day, within the city, and on the local highways?
What’s up with that, Howard?
Too. Big.
What’s up with you doing 90 on side streets too? Isn’t that a little fast? 😉
db, that’s 90 km/h, not mph. BIG difference. Besides, they were industrial side streets. The only things playing on those streets were delivery vans! (Hmm, maybe the Lincoln actually fit in!).
what are the pile-ons you refer to, Robert?
timmee: I meant ‘pylons’, the orange cones that construction guys use to block off roadways. We found half a dozen of them lined up in a parking lot for some reason, and they become the test bed for the Lincoln’s, shall we say, “flexibility”.
It has none. Nada. If you ever have to react quickly in that beast, you’re dead!
Just for the record…you don’t have to react quickly…you just go through it!!