Send in those questions!

A quick reminder gang that Gabe and Todd will be interviewing Phil Wicks this Thursday. If you have a question you would like to ask, send it in!.

Also, we will be doing listener emails on Woof19. Send in those MINI or not so MINI related questions to

4 thoughts on “Send in those questions!”

  1. I just order a 06 MC/CR,WR, PERM PAC,NAV,HK
    with the white 15″ 5 star wheels. I had a 03 with white wheels and they pitted from the brake dust.And that was after cleaning them weekly. How can I avoid this from happening again?

  2. Thanks db for the help with iTunes. Have listened to #17 and #18 Can’t wait for more. Would love to participate but alas I ordered a ’06 MC in Astro Black with body colored roof. It still is a MINI though!

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